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Well, Jude's "MINDLESS chatter" has gotten me motivated to visit Charlotte, the resting place of her dearly-departed hubby, and my hometown for over 15 years. This is the place I learned the pleasures of driving, got my first ticket, and even discovered some back-seat entertainment as well.

Charlotte also hosted two Automobile builders.

J L Dolson and Sons picked this place to build the Dolson Automobile from 1904-1907. Dolsons were powered by several engines from 20hp to 60hp. The car was large by contemporary standards and the 1907 seven passenger touring model cost $3,250. It was advertised as the "Mile-a-Minute" car.

Earlier models, such as the one below, came in the standard color, Napier green. Boasting that "Dolson cars are in use all over the world," period sales literature stated the price as $2,500, with the top $125 extra.

Charlotte's other auto was called a Duplex and is purported to be the worlds first 4-wheel drive car. As a publicity stunt, the Duplex in the bottom picture climbed the Eaton County Courthouse steps at some unknown time.

Re-enactment occurred in 1963 as part of the "Maple City's" centennial celebration. I can remember being in the crowd watching as a twelve year-old lad as the machine scaled the first story of the 111 foot structure.

(Finally) to answer Jude's question, when I climb the 36 foot silo pictured in the previous post, I can see at a distance of seven miles, the 9 foot statue overlooking the "Frontier City". But, she can't see me, cause that's "Blind Justice" up there.

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