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Consruction Zone
Fines Doubled in Work Area

This project began in the discussion group alt.discuss.state.michigan as a way to generate conversation.
I want to thank everyone who posted comments and ideas for new categories, as that kept me going.
For those interested, here's a link to
a very pleasant detour on the Information Superhighway.
I'm also eternally grateful to Draac and all the folks at alt.discuss.html who helped me to learn the skills that made this possible.(Sorry pc users, sites are firewalled, for webtv only)
The more I researched, the more I found, and before I knew it, I had enough for a Website.
Most of the information contained herein was taken from
"The Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars-1885 to the Present"
Edited by G.N. Georgano.
Copyrighted 1968
Library of congress #68-22674.
The book is 640 pages of text with hundreds of black and white pictures, and 61 color plates.

This volume was passed from my grandfather to my father and found it's way to me after their deaths in 1983 and 1999, respectively. We all owe my Aunt Audry for giving it to her father on Christmas Day, 1970.
Growing up in Michigan, a lot of my life has been defined by the automotive industry, it's products, and the people involved.

Many of the color images here were found on the web, along with a bit of information. I'm greatful to all those who have taken the time to post previous to this effort. Credit was given, where possible either in text or hyperlink, and I encourage readers to follow the trail.

The pages below are listed in the chronilogical order that I made them in, and left in the original context of newsgroup postings.

Anyone with additional requests for listings or contrasting data are encouraged to contact me and I'll do my best to set the record straight.
Please bear with me on this ongoing project.

Signed, Archie Lumbert...Written Oct 3, 1999.

The Chevrolet to Cadillac-Studebaker Race
Engler and Michigan
Dolson; Duplex

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