On the Wings of Angels (by Greer Hamilton)

Marlena felt a wave of relief wash over when she saw John walk into the church. She had been trying to reach him for the past few days and had really begun to worry. He felt so guilty about Kristen's death, even though he had no reason to, that she wasn't sure he would even come to the funeral.

Roman's look of annoyance was not well hidden when Marlena left her seat next to him to go to John. Marlena walked slowly to john and tentatively placed her hand on his shoulder. John's gaze pulled away from the casket at the front of the church to look at Marlena. She was so beautiful, his very own angel, and so different from Kristen. He gave her a sad smile and touched her cheek as he walked to the front of the church. It was going to be harder than he thought to do what he was about to do but he knew he had to.

"Excuse me folks but if you would bare with me for a few moments I have something I would like to say. These past few days I have been thinking about my life here in Salem and all the wonderful things that have happened to me and I realized something. I have caused nothing but heartache to you people, the people I love. I have ruined at least two marriages, broken who knows how many women's hearts, completely alienated two children that I thought were my own, and now this woman has taken her life because of me. You folks are the best thing that ever happened to me and I have given nothing in return. In fact, I dare say the only two good things I did while I was here was to help bring Belle and Brady into the world. They are the light of my life and I trust you, Doc, with their lives. Having said all of this I now tell you good-bye. John Black will burden you no longer because I am leaving town."

"John, son, NO!!"

"I'm sorry Sean I have to do this." And with that he walked down the aisle and out the doors of the church.

Marlena sat in stunned silence as the church buzzed around her. Then, as if lightening had hit her, she grabbed her purse and headed

out of the church. She had almost reached her car when someone grabbed her from behind and wheeled her around.

"Damn it Doc, where in the hell are you going?"

"I have to stop him from leaving, Roman. Now, let me go."

"Leave him alone Doc. Maybe it is what's best for him."

"What about what is best for Brady and Belle.....and me?"

" Didn't you hear a word he said, Doc? He has caused us all so much pain but most of all you."

"You know something, Roman? In the split second it took me to decide I had to stop John I realized something. It's true John has caused me pain but guess what, so did you Roman. The only difference is that Stephano played a big role in John hurting me and you managed to hurt all by yourself."

"What are you saying Doc?"

"Roman, I am saying that it is over between us. I might have loved you once and you will always hold a special place in my heart because of Sami and Eric but I am in love with John. He is my soul mate and Belle and Brady deserve to grow up with both of their parents. Now if you will kindly let go of my arm I have to go stop the love of my life from leaving my life forever." Finishing the words she knew she had needed to say months earlier she pulled her arm from Roman's grasp, got in her car and headed to the airport. "Please God, don't let me be to late. Don't let me loose him again."


Roman slammed the doors of the church as he came back in. It was painfully obvious to everyone there that things had not gone well in the parking lot between he and Marlena. Caroline gave Sean a wary look before approaching her son. Susan followed her and stood far enough away as not to appear suspicious but close enough to overhear Roman and Caroline's conversation.

"Roman, son, where's Marlena?" Caroline asked cautiously.

"Damn it, Ma, she's gone."


"Yeah, she went after John. She told me it was over between the two of us. She said she would always care about me because of the kids but she is in love with him. She's gone to the airport to try and stop him. It's over."

Susan's face was horror stricken and before she realized what she was doing her voice could be heard over the crowd. "Noooooo, John."

The church got silent as they looked at Susan. Roman approached her and asked gently, "Are you ok Susan?"

"Oh yes, Captain Brady. I'm just very, very,very, very upset about Mr. John Black leaving and I guess it just got to me."

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm sure." Whew, Kristen thought, I almost gave myself away. I have to be more careful if I am going to pull this off. No one can know I'm not really Susan. When Edmund placed a comforting arm around her, Kristen simply smiled and forced her lurching stomach to calm.


John sat on the Kiriakis jet drinking vodka shots and looking at a picture of Doc, Belle, Brady, and himself at Christmas the year before. They looked like the typical American family and John had even had hopes of that for awhile but now all his hope was gone. Half of him wanted her to come and stop him like she had all those years before but the other half knew she wouldn't.

"Mr. Black we are cleared for take off whenever you are ready."

"Great, let's get out of here." Tears blurred his eyes as he looked at the stars through the window. "Time to start a new life, John. Without Doc, no matter how impossible that might seem."


Marlena ran onto the airfeild just as John's plane lifted off at the end of the runway. Tears filled her eyes as she slid down the wall into a sitting position on the ground. "No John. This is not over. I will never let you out of my life. I don't care if I have to go to every corner of the globe. I will search for you until my final breath. And I will find you. You can count on that."

To be continued.............

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Email: rayman18@juno.com