On the Wings of Angels--


"Hhm?" Marlena looked up from her book and into the face of the sweetest little boy she had ever known. He looked so much like his Dad, especially if you looked into his sparkling blue eyes. Overtime she looked at little Brady her heart ached for John.

"When will Daddy be home? I miss him."

It had been almost six months since John had left. She hadn't had the heart to tell her children that their father might never be coming back so she told them that he had gone on an extended business trip. She had never stopped searching for him but up until a few days ago she had had no luck. Now she had a strong lead that he was living in Venice, Italy.

"Oh baby, soon. I hope. It should be very soon but until he does come back I hope you know that I am here for you."

"I know and I love you but I miss Daddy"

"I know buddy. I miss him too." She took the boy into her arms and prayed that they would both be in John's arms soon.


For the past six months John's life had basically ceased to exist. His daily routine was to travel from bar to bar and stare at his one remaining picture of his family. His drinking had caused him to grow thin, pale, and tired.

Since he never expected anyone to look for him much less find him he hadn't noticed the man following him. The man was the private detective Marlena had hired to find him. He had spoken to her a few days earlier to tell her he thought he had found John but was not positive. Now that he was positive it was time to tell her and leave the rest up to fate.


Marlena hadn't been gone for twenty minutes before Kristen was relaxing on the couch. It had been hell Trying to pretend to be Susan for the past six months. It seemed as if John's precious Doc wasn't as smart as everyone thought she was. After all Kristen had managed to dupe dear old Doc for the past six months. All those months of Marlena searching for John had given her a chance to come up with a plan to not only get out of town with her precious John Jr. but to also win back John's love and trust. Now that Marlena had gone to get John she could put her plan into action. As she headed upstairs to pack she smiled at her own cunningness.


Marlena's stomach was in knots as the Titan jet landed in Venice. Not only was she nervous about seeing John but she was worried about hat children. Now that she was making her final approach she regretted not bringing them along. She had an eerie feeling that something terrible might happen to them since she wasn't there but she had left them behind because she knew John would never agree to go back to Salem if they were already there. She convinced herself that the children would be fine and concentrated on John. She had a feeling that getting him home would be more difficult than she had expected.

She met the private detective she had hired at a sidewalk cafe across the street from John's apartment building. "He went upstairs almost three hours ago and hasn't been down since."

"Well I guess now is as good a time as any to shock some life back into John." Marlena went across the street and found John's apartment with the door slightly open. She knocked and when there was no answer after a few moments she stuck her head inside. "John?"

It did not take her long to find him. He was passed out drunk on his couch, shirtless, and still holding a shot glass. Marlena's breath caught in her throat when she saw him. Even though he was extremely thin he was still the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. She walked over to the couch and shook him lightly.

"John? John, sweetheart wake up." When he still didn't wake Marlena knew she had to play dirty. She knew she was going to have to pull out all of her guns if she was going to get him to wake up. She started placing feather kisses on his lips and chest. She knew it was working when a moan escaped from his lips.

"Doc, I love you so much. I wish you were with me, baby." Her kisses had woken him but he had just assumed he was dreaming. Besides, even if she had found him she probably would have hated him to much to care.

"I love you so much too, John. And I am here with you." When he heard these words his eyes flew open. As Marlena continued to kiss John's chest she didn't notice him staring at her in amazed silence.

"Doc? Is that really you? What are you doing here? How did you find me?" John grabbed her face so he could look into her eyes as he sat up. He was soon reminded of his drinking earlier in the day when a splitting headache crashed down around him. For a moment he forgot about Marlena as he placed his head in his hands in an effort to keep the room from spinning.

"John, sweety, are you ok? Can I get you something?"

"No Doc, I'm fine. Just a little hung over. Besides you haven't answered my questions yet."

"Well, I've been looking for you since you left. I hired a private detective to search for you. He called me a few days ago to tell me he had found you."


"Why did I search for you? Because John, after you left the church that day I followed you to the airport. I had to find some way to stop you. For Brady, for Belle, and for me. I got there just after you took off and then and there I made a vow to search for you until my dying breath. That's how much I need you John."

"What are you telling me, Doc?" His heart was racing and just being in the same room with her made him ache with desire. He had forgotten the sweet smell of her perfume, the feel of her body close to his, and the way her hazel eyes could look right into his soul. He did not know if he would be able to make it through the conversation without making love to her right there on the couch.

"I'm telling you that I love you, you idiot. I love you, I need you, I want you, and if I have to I am going to DRAG you back to Salem."

"Why would you want me Doc? After all the pain I've caused you?"

"I'll tell you what I told Roman the day you left. I admit that I have been hurt by the both of you. But you were a victim of circumstance when you hurt me. Roman hurt me by his own volition. I will always love him because of the kids but you are my soul mate. I love you because of Belle and Brady but I love you in other ways too. I just want to be near you, that's what I've missed most. You holding me, catching you watching me, playing with the kids together. I want you sexually too. You don't know how many times I've dreamt of us making passionate love in the past six months. I just want us to be together."

"Doc, what about Roman? When I left I thought you two were...."

"Oh John. Roman and I were never together. I was just so confused when he came back. I felt I owed him something because of our children. Although, I do think you leaving was good because made me realize you were the one I wanted. The only one I wanted. I told Roman it would never work because you are the man I was in love with. The man I will always be in love with."

"Oh Doc, I love you too. I can't believe this is happening. It is like all of my dreams are coming true."

"Mine too John. Now why don't you shut up and kiss me." She flashed him a brilliant smile that made John's heart skip a beat. He took her face in his hands and slowly placed his lips on hers. Soon tender kisses turned passionate. "Make love to me John."

John pulled away. "I'm sorry Doc, but I can't yet. Don't get me wrong. I want nothing more that to make love to you right now but considering everything we've been through maybe we should start over."

"What do you mean John?"

"I want to wine you and dine you. Shower you with gifts. I want it to be like our first time all over again. Can you understand that?"

"I suppose so. Besides it might be nice to have you pamper me."

"Oh it will Doc. I promise it won't be long." Marlena then leaned over and gave John a spine tingling kiss. "Besides if you keep doing that I don't know how much longer I can resist."

To be continued.......

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Email: rayman18@juno.com