On The Wings of Angels

Marlena had just stepped out of the shower when she heard someone knocking on her hotel room door. She quickly slipped on her black silk robe and ran to the door. When she opened the door a messenger was standing there holding two large boxes in his arms.

"Dr. Evans?"

"Yes, may I help you?"

"I have a delivery for you."

"Oh thank you." Marlena took the packages and laid them on the bed. She grabbed her purse and headed back to the door. When she returned to the door she pulled out some money to tip the man with.

"Don't worry about that Dr. Evans it has been taken care of."

"Thank you very much." She closed the door and walked over to the boxes on her bed. She sat down and reached for the first box. She gasped at what she saw. It contained the most roses she had ever seen. She opened the card anxiously and teared up at the words.

Doc, There are exactly sixteen dozen roses in this box. One for everyday I thought of you while we were apart. If I calculated correctly there should be 182 roses. One for every day starting the day I left until yesterday when you found me. I was such a fool for leaving you but now that I have you back I am going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. All oh my love, John

P.S. Now open the other one!!!

As tempted as Marlena was to just tear open the second package she resisted the urge. First she called the front desk and asked them to send something up to put her flowers in. Her anxiousness built up inside of her as she placed her flowers around the room and she eventually returned to open her second gift.

She anxiously ripped off the wrapping to reveal a fitted, black, sleeveless pant suit with a long sleeved, sequined, waist length jacket to go over it. It was stunning and Marlena was impressed with John's taste in women's clothing. She assumed that she was supposed to wear this for their date tonight. She opened the card and hoped it would give her a clue as to John's plans for the evening.

Doc, An outfit appropriate for all ocassions. For part of our date the jacket will not be needed but the other parts it will be necessary. See you in an hour and a half! Love from your Good Guy with a capital G, John

P.S. Have you figured out where we are going yet?

Marlena rolled her eyes. "John Black you are such an exasperating man but I sure do love you! I'm sure tonight will be one we both remember." Then, she returned to the bathroom to make herself beautiful for her good guy.


So far Kristens plan had gone off without a hitch. She had her baby, her money, and was in posession of something of John's that she was sure would lure him to her. She had placed a note revealing her whereabouts and stipulating what he needed to do to get back what he wanted in the perfect place. Now the only thing left to do was to convince John that she was only doing this for them and that she was still the trustworthy, loving woman that he fell in love with. She got her "precious cargo" settled on the plane and prepared for take off. Her plan was going to work perfectly.


John looked up just as Marlena walked out of the elevator and had to brace himself on the wall to keep his legs from collapsing beneath him. She was the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen. She had accesorized the outfit he had given her with a simple diamond necklace and matching earings that had been a wedding gift from her parents when they got married while everyone thought he was Roman. She had pulled her hair up into a simple frenchtwist. She smiled at his reaction as she approached him.

"Doc, I believe you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You look great."

"Well thank you. You don't look to shabby yourself." John had gone out and bought new clothes for the date because he had in his closet were jeans and t-shirts. He was wearing an Armani black suit with a white shirt and tie. He looked very handsome and powerful.

"Yeah, maybe, but I'm surprised you made it downstairs without some strange man ravishing you."

"I would have fought them off because you I knew you were waiting down here for me. Besides, you are the only man I want ravishing me." To prove her point she gave John a slow, sensual kiss.

John immediatly felt his temparature rise. It was amazing what one touch of her lips, the sound of her laughter, or the smell of her perfume could do to him. He placed his finger between his neck and collar loosening it just a bit hoping to release some of the heat rising up in him. "Uh, Doc, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?"

Marlena smiled at the affect she had on him. She raised up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear making sure her breath tickled his neck and face on the way. "You know John we could just go upstairs and I could remedy that problem of yours very easily."

"You don't know how tempting that offer is but I'm afraid I can't be persuaded that easily. You'll just have to wait Doc because I'm determined to do this right. Besides the longer we wait the better it will be."

To be continued...............

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Email: rayman18@juno.com