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Motivation for The Martial Artist, And Everyone Else

Some people will benefit from making their training a routine; train for a certain time, at a certain time, and on certain days. Training everyday is great, too, but that can lead to a serious loss of motivation if you get bored with doing the same thing everyday. If it's possible, practice in the morning. Training in the morning is more habit forming. Training in a routine only works for some people, so try it and decide what's best for you.

Whether or not you practice according to a routine, make sure what you're doing is not routine! Vary your workouts, lots! Focus on different things each time you train. Don't try to skim over everything; focus on specific things each time you train. If you are only going to be training for a fairly short time, practice five or six techniques, with high repetitions of them, or do part of a kata (form) many times. Focus on a handful of kicks or strikes. If you have more time to practice, do a kata and a set of techniques, over and over and over. Music, as long as it's going to get you stoked for practicing, and not going to distract you, can remove the monotony of doing these high repetitions.

Keep your interest in the martial arts up by reading articles on the 'net or in magazines, read books, and even watch T.V., anything that has examples of the martial arts, discusses it and/or presents new information to you about the martial arts. Keep gaining as much new information as you can, and you will stay very interested in your training.

Get inspiration from other people. Look at someone who is very accomplished and you will feel you can become a great martial artist, too! You will realise how much training they have done and become very motivated to practice!

While it's great to do that, it is important that you can just say, "I have to practice. Now. For myself." Develop a very strong will, and use it! Be bull-headed about practising; about meeting your goals, about following your routine, about doing countless repetitions. Using your own resolve to get motivated to train feels great!

So, what are you waiting for? GO TRAIN!!!

Part One

A single paged overview of this article, good for a pin-up...
