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Odd and Ends

Of my own activity in mathematics

My main research area is graph theory.

Since you are here, you may wish to read my curriculum or look at the list of my papers. A nice addition to it has been the graph theory book that I've written with my colleague and friend Josef Lauri (Univ. Malta).

Some links in discrete mathematics

This is a miscellaneous list of sites of interest mathematics (mostly graph theory).

I found most of them by just surfing. Since the content concerns more graphs than posets, don't expect that much order here. If anyone has a graph theory page and wants to appear here, just write me!

  • Mathlinks. The first link of this collection of links is a link to another collection of links. These are related to all areas of mathematics.
  • Josef Lauri of the University of Malta. He works especially in graph theory. Some of his papers are available for download.
  • VEGA & C: Tomaz Pisanski collected here a lot of interesting link, mostly concerning graph-theoretical software. One is the VEGA package developed in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
  • Graph theory: This nice site created by S.C. Locke contains an on-line textbook of elementary graph theory and an index of definitions.
  • Megamath is a tutorial, providing an interesting introduction to graph-theoretical concepts for very young students.
  • DIMACS is a research center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science at Rutgers University. The page provides many resources in both research and education in Discrete Mathematics.