(Am. Can. Ch. Romyldale Rory MacRorie x Adair Ribbons and Bows)
Gwen is such a joy. She is a balanced, sturdy little girl with a very mature gait. Gwen drops her head and reaches out in a true working trot with no wasted motion, lovely to see in such a young bitch. Thank you Linda Moore for allowing me to lease Gwen's mom, Carmen. Carmen is a Ch. Adair Fast Train (Crescendo) daughter out of Carmylie Rocky Knoll Teela, an Am. Can. Ch. Carmylie the Merry Chase UD daughter (beauty and brains!)
Gwen thrilled me to pieces with her third place win at the 1999 ASSA National Futurity under judge, Barbara Gresso. She was one of only two puppies to make the cut in both sweeps and regular classes.
Gwen is now pointed in three registries! She had back to back wins at the Grand Traverse KC show, winning breed Saturday over a lovely special. Gwen and Peri made their debut in the UKC ring and thanks to Pam Moore, they are both UKC champions. Gwen tied for tenth place in UKC's 1999 Top Ten. Gwen finished her Canadian title April 2002 to become her sire's tenth Canadian champion!
Gwen's hip prelimn's came back as excellent, and her eyes and thyroid have tested normal.
Gwen, Peri and I recently attended a herding clinic sponsored by the SSC of Greater Detroit. Gwen did quite well.
Click here to see Gwen herding ducks.
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