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Final Fantasy I

The main objective of this game is to go back in time and defeat Chaos. First, you assemble your four person party. You can choose a Fighter who later turns into a Knight. He has awesome combat skills and as a Knight can use simple White Magic. You can choose the Thief who later turn into a Ninja. He dies quite easily in the beginning and it's hard to get him going. As a Ninja, he can use simple Black Magic. You can choose a Black Belt who turns into a Grand Master. He dies a lot in the beginning and is really weak until well into the game. The Red Mage is another choice. He turns into a Red Wizard later in the game and can use both Black and White Magic. Though he cannot use all of the spells, his exceptional fighting skills more than make up for it. The White Mage turns into a White Wizard and the Black Mage turns into a Black Wizard. They are really weak but can use many spells. I found the best party to be two Fighters and two Red Mages.

Your first quest: go to the Temple of Fiends, defeat Garland, and save the princess of Coneria. Once this task is finished, you head off to Provoka and get your ship by killing a band of pirates. You then go off to get the Mystic Key and wake the Elfin prince. You then have to get the four elemental orbs: Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind. To obtain the Earth Orb, Lich must be defeated. To get the Fire Orb, Kary must be slain. To receive the Water Orb, Kraken must be destroyed. And to obtain the Wind Orb, Tiamat must be annihilated. After you get all the orbs, you go back in time to stop Chaos from destroying the world.

Back in time, you must defeat all the Fiends in sequencing floors. There is an Earth Floor for Lich, a Fire Floor for Kary, and a Water Floor for the Kraken, and a Wind Floor for Tiamat. The last floor is that of Chaos. Best of luck!

Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy VII
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