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Final Fantasy VII

A Little Overview

Final Fantasy VII is one of the most amazing RPGs ever made. Many people refer to it as "The Ultimate RPG" (Game Informer Magazine or GI), "The world's greatest RPG" (GI), "The Most Amazing RPG We've Ever Seen" (GI), "Better than all the rest" (GI), etc. However, I like to debate otherwise. Sure, FFVII has truly amazing graphics and a plot that will make even the most cold-hearted person feel every emotion (possibly even make them cry), but FFVII does has its downfalls. The Materia concept is quite confusing at first (Hell, it is throughout the entire game), and the plot has so many twists that it makes your head begin to spin. Overall, though, FFVII is a great game and I would recommend it to almost anyone.

Anyway, your main objective of the game is to destroy Sephiroth and prevent him from annihilating the entire world. Sephiroth wants to do this because he is seeking the Promise Land with his mother, Jenova.

Materia is what controls what spells you are able to use. Materia is nothing but condensed Mako Energy. Mako Energy is very negative because it destroys Spirit Energy. Spirit Energy is what makes it possible for things, both living and non-living, to exist. Spirit Energy sort of just floats around in the Lifestream until it is ready to come back to the planet.

The Characters of FFVII along with Summons, Enemy Skills (even where to find them), other Materia, Key Items, and modes of transportation
Walkthrough: Part 1
Walkthrough: Part 2


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