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FFII Walkthrough


The Beginning
You are the Dark Knight, Cecil. Your first objective (not by choice) is to take the Crystal of Water from the town of Mysidia. The people of Mysidia try to fight, but you and your troops, the Red Wings, just kill them and take it by force.

When you get back to the Castle of Baron, you begin to feel guilty. The king dismisses you of your position as Captain of the Red Wings and orders you to deliver a package to the Village of Mist with Kain.

Once you are able to move freely, get the treasure chests in the room south of the King's Throne Room and go left. On your way to your quarters, you will run into both Rosa and Cid. Rosa is a White Wizard and your love. She will later accompany you on your mission. Cid is an Engineer and will help you greatly throughout your quest.

In your quarters, you will turn in for the night. Rosa comes in and talks to you. Her words to you make it quite evident that she loves you.

You and Kain head off the following morning. It is to your benefit that you purchase some Cure 1's at the Town of Baron. However, it is not necessary and you can get to by without them (for now anyway). You can change your name and learn some things from talking and exploring also. Weapons and armor cannot be purchased at this time because the door is locked.

Misty Cave and the Village of Mist
When finished with business in town, go west across the bridge and north to the Misty Cave. At the end of the Misty Cave, you will fight the Mist Dragon. Have Kain Jump and Cecil Attack. Do not hit the Dragon when it is in its Mist form, or it will eventually kill you.

When you reach the Village, the package automatically opens. A fireball comes out and destroys just about everything. A young girl is crying over her mother, who died because her Dragon fell. The girl is REALLY upset with you for killing the Mist Dragon (her mother's Dragon) and fights you. She calls Titan and nearly kills you. You were tricked into killing the Mist Dragon and destroying almost the entire race of Callers (with the exception of the girl). Kain has done his first episode of betrayal. You and the girl are stuck to fend for yourselves.

Kaipo and the Watery Pass
The girl is injured. Head northeast to the town of Kaipo. You will automatically take her to the inn. At night, an Officer and three Soldiers come to kill the girl, the last of the Callers. They were sent by the King and you must fight them. When fighting them, kill two Soldiers, the Officer, and then the last Soldier. If you kill all the Soldiers first, the Officer will Retreat. If you do not kill the Officer, you will receive 165 GP and 480 Experience. If you do kill the Officer, you will receive 245 GP and 880 Experience. I think the extra time it takes to kill the Officer is well worth it.

When the girl awakes, she realizes what you have done for her. Her name is Rydia and she joins you.

Now, walk out of the inn, go east across the bridge, and enter the house in the northeast corner. In here, you will find Rosa, who is sick with desert fever. To cure her, you need the SandRuby.

Go outside to get some money and levels up. I do not recommend buying a bow and arrows for Rydia. It is like throwing 10 GP away every time she fights. When you feel as if Rydia is strong enough to proceed (about the time when she has learned both Ice 1 and Lit 1) do so.

Head north to the Watery Pass South. In there, you will meet an Old Man. He is the Sage, Tellah, and his only daughter just eloped with a Bard to Damcyan. He wants to go to Damcyan to get his daughter, but a huge monster with eight tentacles is blocking the path. Since you too are heading to Damcyan, you join forces.

You will soon reach the Watery Pass North and then the Waterfall. At the Waterfall, you will fight Octomamm, the monster with eight tentacles Tellah spoke of earlier. Defeating it will be easy. Just be sure to use Lit 1.

Damcyan and the Antlion Cave
Once you are completely through, you see Damcyan being bombed. You run inside. Anna, Tellah's daughter, is severely injured. Tellah blames the Bard, and they fight. After the fight, Anna tells you that Edward, the Bard, is the Prince of Damcyan. He was only disguised as a Bard when he went to Kaipo (probably so that he would not cause a commotion because of his title). Golbez took Damcyan's Crystal of Fire. Anna shielded Edward from arrows when the Castle was attacked. Tellah then realized how much his daughter loved Edward. Anna dies. Edward cries in grief, and Tellah goes off to seek vengeance towards Golbez over the death of his daughter.

You tell Edward your story. He does not want you to lose a loved one (Rosa) as he lost Anna. He aids you in your quest by joining you and giving you the Hovercraft to reach the Antlion Cave.

Next, venture to the Antlion Cave. Edward's first plans are to receive the SandRuby from the Antlion peacefully. However, the Antlion is now evil and attacks you. Once you retrieve the SandRuby, head back to Kaipo and cure Rosa.

Meanwhile, the King of Baron invites Golbez to join the Red Wings. The king is not the same. Golbez is using the king to retrieve the four Elemental Crystals: Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. The Water Crystal from Mysidia and the Fire Crystal from Damcyan are already in Golbez's possession. His next strike will be on Fabul for the Air Crystal and then Toroia for the Earth Crystal.

Mount Hobs and Fabul
Now, you must head to Mount Hobs to get to Fabul to save the Crystal from getting into Golbez's hands. Rydia is needed to use Fire to melt the ice blocking the cave. She is afraid, for Fire is what wiped out her town. With encouragement from the rest of the party, she does it.

In your journey through Mount Hobs, you encounter a Karate Fighter of Fabul, Yang. After fighting Bombs, a Mom Bomb, some more Bombs, and some Grey Bombs (something like that), Yang will join you. Go to Fabul and talk to the King of Fabul.

Golbez attacks! The three guys (Yang, Edward, and yourself) go to the front lines to fight. It may be worth the time to kill the General first for the experience. If you kill the other guys first, the General will retreat.

After some more fighting, Cecil takes on Kain in the Crystal Room. He kills you off miserably. Golbez enters, taking both the Crystal and Rosa.

Your party goes to the inn for some discussion. You need an airship and could get one by sneaking into Baron and finding the Master Engineer, Cid, to hook you up with an airship. To get to Baron, Yang plans to ask his king for a ship. The king gives your party a ship and you the Black Sword. Go outside the castle to the harbor to get on the ship.

Once you are sailing the high seas, the Master of the Seas, Leviatan attacks. Everyone is thrown overboard, and you end up at Mysidia.

Mysidia and Mount Ordeals
Do not talk to anyone at Mysidia. Just walk straight up and talk to the Elder. He informs you that you need to climb Mount Ordeals to become a Paladin, or sacred knight. Palom and Porom are to accompany you. They are two mischievous, young, magician twins. Palom is male and controls Black Magic. Porom is female and controls White Magic.

Head east to Mount Ordeals. When you arrive, Palom uses Ice to clear the flames.

Meanwhile, Golbez sends Milon, the Earth Fiend, to prevent you from becoming a Paladin.

When going through Mount Ordeals, you will meet up with Tellah again. He is seeking Meteo to get revenge on Golbez for killing Anna. The question of Palom and Porom coming along as spies rather than guides then comes up. Sage Tellah joins and you continue.

I found that Fire 2 and White Arrows worked the best on Revenants and Ghouls (just a side note).

When you run into Milon and the four Ghasts, use Fire (2) and Twin. Once you are finished, proceed. You are attacked from behind! This time, it is Milon Z. Use the same tactics you did on the first Milon.

Once you reach the place where you become a Paladin, you are first put through a test. Something calls you "son." But why? Anyway, your test is to fight your past guilt. Do NOT hit yourself, for fighting is not the only answer. You become a Paladin, the last ray of hope, and the Black Sword is now the Legend Sword. Tellah also remembers all his spells and learns Meteo.

Get out and ride a Chocobo back to Mysidia. When you talk to the Elder, you learn that the Twins really were sent as spies. However, everything turned out well. The Elder opens the Serpent Road, which will take you to Baron.

Baron Revisited
At the town of Baron, head to the inn. Here, you will find Yang. Something is wrong! You fight two Guards and then him. Once you knock some sense into him, he recalls his memory, which was lost after Leviatan attacked. He joins you, you stay at the inn, and talk a little. You learn that Cid has been arrested. Fortunately, Yang has the Baron Key, which opens the door that leads to the path to sneak into Baron.

Once in the castle, you meet up with Baigan. He joins you. Palom and Porom stop. Why? They smell a monster… It is Baigan! You then fight him. Kill his body first.

You will next fight the Water Fiend, Kainazzo. Use Lit 3. Next, Cid will enter and take you to the airship. However, on the way, both doors in a corridor lock. You are stuck and the walls are moving in! Palom and Porom use Stone to stop the moving walls. It is selfless act by two young children. Tellah tries to bring them back, but cannot for it was of their own will. He thinks it should have been himself.

You then proceed on to the Enterprise.

Meanwhile, Golbez wants to let you retrieve the next Crystal to exchange for Rosa. Kain delivers the message. Now, head northwest to Toroia.

Toroia and Cave Magnus
Once you land in the tiny areas of grass near Toroia, enter the Toroian Castle. Here, you will find Edward. You will learn that the Dark Elf has the remaining Earth Crystal in his possession. Inside Cave Magnus where the Elf is dwelling, is a strong magnetic field in which no metallic equipment can be used. Edward then gives you the TwinHarp to help you as his substitute. Any weapon or armor purchased at the town of Toroia can be used inside Cave Magnus. Karate Suits can be purchased at Baron.

Then, once you are set with your equipment, enter the Cave. You will need to ride a Black Chocobo to reach your destination. When you reach the Dark Elf, you will fight him. However, he will kill you, and it is impossible to defeat him the first time. Edward then gets out of bed at Toroian Castle and plays his harp. The TwinHarp in your possession begins to project the music. While the music is playing, the Dark Elf cannot control the magnetic field inside the cave. Now is your chance. Defeat the Elf and take the Crystal.

Once you have the Crystal, walk out (you cannot use Exit), and head to Toroian Castle. Inside the Castle, talk to the clerics. Kain will then tell you to board your airship and that will take you to the place where Rosa is: The Tower of Zot.

The Tower of Zot
In the Tower, you will run into the minions of the Air Fiend, Valvalis, the Magus Sisters. Their names are Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy. Kill the fat one first.

Proceed and give Golbez the Crystal. He tricked you and refuses to give you Rosa! Tellah butts in and fights Golbez. While fighting, Tellah uses his last bit of life to cast Meteo. Tella dies… Using Meteo does not destroy Golbez, but it weakens him, and he loses control over Kain. Kain takes you to Rosa just in time. After the mini reunion, equip some more suitable equipment to Rosa. You will then fight Valvalis. Use Kain's Jump ability to stop Valvalis' spin. I only found her moderately hard.

After you defeat Valvalis, the Tower begins to collapse. Rosa casts Exit to get you guys out of there!

You will then learn that the Earth Crystal was not the last. There are still Dark Crystals hidden underground! When all the Crystals are gathered, the way to the moon opens.

Agart and the Castle of Dwarves
You need a way to get to the underground. To do this, you need to through the Magma Key in a crater. The crater is located in a little town called Agart. To get there, first go to Toroian Castle. If you have not already, get the treasures located in the castle. Then go northeast to an island with a large rock and town on it. That is Agart.

In Agart, you will learn a few things:

"Darkness and Light
They come in a pair,
Morning and night,
Together fill the air."

You will also learn that there are two moons. One is simple containing no life. The other is more complex, contains life, and is beginning to glow red.

Go to the center of the town and throw the Key in the well. The big rock on the island will open up. Exit the town, get on your airship, and enter the hole.

Once you enter, you are immediately caught in the middle of a cross-fire. The Enterprise gets shot down and you end up at the Castle of Dwarves. Talk to the King, Giott.

Giott will inform you that two out of four of the Dark Crystals have been taken by Golbez already. He has one and claims that it is safe, for his tanks turned the airships away.

Cid goes off to repair the ship, but has someone been eavesdropping? You go to check out the situation in the Crystal Room. The door locks behind you! You will then fight some dolls: Three Cals and three Brenas. After awhile, they will combine to form Calbrena.

Once the dolls are defeated, Golbez enters. He wants the Crystals to reactivate the Tower of Bab-il, which leads to the moon. The moon is said to have powers beyond human comprehension.

You will then fight Golbez. However, he is impossible, for his Shadow Dragon kills your party members in a single blow. Before all your life is lost, you turn into a Mist Dragon and blow Golbez's Shadow Dragon off the screen. Rydia! She came to aid you in your fight. Now you have a chance in defeating Golbez.

After Golbez is defeated, you learn that Leviatan swallowed Rydia and took her to the Land of Summoned Monsters. There, she learned many new summons and enhanced her use of Black Magic. However, she can no longer use White Magic.

One of Golbez's arms still lives! It crawls to the Crystal, takes it, and leaves.

The Tower of Bab-il
The last Crystal is at the Sealed Cave to the northwest. First, you must head to the Tower of Bab-il. The entrance is in the basement of the Castle. The path to the basement is near the Fat Chocobo.

Near the top of the Bab-il, you will run into Dr. Lugae and Rubicant, the Fire Fiend. Rubicant leaves to destroy the Castle of Eblan, and you fight Lugae and Balnob (I found the fight to be rather easy). After that, Lugae transforms, and you fight him again.

Your next mission is to stop the Super Cannon so it will not destroy the Dwarves. You now have the Tower Key to open the locked door. You will fight three Dark Imps. How will the Super Cannon be stopped? Yang throws you out of the room, locks the door, and sacrifices himself to stop the Cannon.

Walk out and Golbez will speak to you on the bridge to the exit. Fire engulfs the bridge and you start to fall. Cid saves you with the airship just in time. As you are flying, you are attacked by the Red Wings. Cid orders you to go up and he will close the opening with a bomb. He basically ties a bomb to himself and jumps overboard.

Eblan and the Tower of Bab-il
Once you are in the upper world, go to Baron and talk to the two guys to the right part of the castle. They will attach a hook to your airship that will carry the hovercraft. When they are finished attaching the hook, get your airship and your hovercraft and then go north of Toroia until you can see the Tower of Bab-il. Before you enter the Cave of Eblan, enter the castle and take the chests (if you have not done so already).

Now, board your hovercraft to the Cave. In the cave, do not hit Skulls with Kain's Drain Lance, for it will drain Kain's life rather than the enemy's.

You will soon find the entire population of Eblan underground. They have all retreated here when Rubicant attacked. The King, Queen, and Prince have gone after Rubicant, so you proceed to aid them.

I received two Zeus' Gauntlets from a Stableman and Skull combo. It may be worth your time to try to get a set for yourself.

As you proceed, you will find the Ninja, Edge, taking on Rubicant. Rubicant easily wins and leaves. You cure Edge, and he joins your party. Go through the tower, and you will find the King and Queen of Eblan. They are now monsters, and you must fight them. They do not even recall their son, Edge. However, they do regain consciousness. They are no longer human. There is nothing you can do… You must kill them. Lugae did this! Edge learns Flood and Blitz through his inner anger.

You will soon fight Rubicant. He restores your HP/MP before the fight. I found him to be hard.

After you defeat Rubicant, the Chamberlain of Eblan and some other men come. Edge says that he wishes to remain in your party, and the Chamberlain respects Edge's wishes. You then fall into a pit in the Crystal Room. Follow the path until you find the Falcon, another airship.

The Castle of Dwarves, Tomra, and the Sealed Cave
Fly to the Castle of Dwarves and speak again to Giott. You tell him that you want to get to the Dark Crystal that remains in the Sealed Cave before Golbez does. He gives you the Luca Key to enter. However, your airship still cannot fly over Magma. Find Cid in the Castle (he is in the room located near the Fat Chocobo). He remodels the airship for you.

Now, fly to Tomra, which is south and a little to the west of the Castle of Dwarves. You can buy Diamond equipment there.

Now, enter the Sealed Cave. Watch out for Trap Doors. They Search a party member and then use Disrupt, which kills your party member. Fighting them is well worth it. You not only get some great Gold and Experience, but you get the treasures beyhind them. In here, do not strike Vamp Ladies with Kain's Drain Lance.

You get the Dark Crystal and fight Evil Wall on the way out. Give it all you got, because if you get too close, it will kill you. Now you can walk out of there.

Right before you are about to exit the Sealed Cave, Golbez speaks to Kain, taking him over again. Kain then takes the Crystal to Golbez and leaves your party.

Back to the Castle of Dwarves
Go back to the Dwarf Castle and talk to Giott. He informs you that you need to go to Mysidia to get the Big Whale. The Big Whale will take you to the moon because you cannot go through Bab-il. Cid enters and attaches a drill to the Falcon so you can dig a way to the upper world. He passes out in all the excitement.

Mysidia and the Big Whale
Now, go to Mysidia and talk to the Elder. He takes you to the Tower of Wishes, where you all wish for the Big Whale. He comes from the ocean! It worked!

The Land of Monsters and the Sylvan Cave
Before going to the moon, first go back to the underworld. Fly northwest of the Sealed Cave and enter the Land of Monsters. Remember to use Float on every floor to protect yourself from the lava and Arachne's Quake. When you reach B4F, be sure that you get the Rat Tail. Recover yourself in the Town of Monsters, go to the Library, down the stairs, and into the portal. You will then have to fight Queen Asura to talk to King Leviatan. To defeat Asura, use Wall and Titan on her. That way, the Cure magic she uses will benefit you. Rydia's Titan will not bounce back and is quite effective.

Once you defeat Asura, go back and recover. After that, fight Leviatan. To defeat him, use Indra and Blitz. In doing this, Rydia will learn Asura and Levia, two of the strongest summons.

After you have done that, go to the upper world and take your hovercraft to Silveria. Ride your hovercraft and enter the cave south of Silveria. Give the guy the tail and he will give the Adamant in exchange.

Once the Adamant is in your possession, go back to the underworld and fly all the way south until you see a little house. This is Kokkol, the Smith's House. Talk two Kokkol and give him the Adamant. He is so excited that he forges the Legend Sword into Excalibur.

Now, get back on your airship and head to the northwest corner of the underworld. There is a little cave, the Sylvan Cave. Just as you did in the Land of the Summoned Monsters, use Float on every floor. Go through getting all the treasures. You will then find Yang and his new found Sylph friends. Rydia will learn Sylph and you can then leave.

FuSoYa and the Big Whale
It is now time to head to the moon. Get on your Whale and talk to the Crystal in the center. On the Whale is both a bed to sleep in (like a free inn) and a Fat Chocobo. Once on the moon, find the Lunar Path, which will lead you to the Lunar's Lair. Use magic to heal your party up all the way and then walk to the right and up to fill up your magic (there is a little block-you can't miss it). Now, go up and meet with FuSoYa, the guardian of Lunarians' slumber. He informs you that Zemus is the guy behind all this chaos, not Golbez. Golbez is being controlled by Zemus just as Kain is being controlled by Golbez. Zemus wants to summon the Giant of Bab-il to crush the earth.

You also learn that FuSoYa's brother, KluYa, went down to the earth and taught people how to build airships and the Serpent Road. While he was there, he fell in love with an earth woman, and they had two children. One of them was you! KluYa was the voice that spoke to you atop Mount Ordeals!

Now, ride the Whale back to earth to stop Golbez from summoning the Giant of Bab-il. However, before talking to the Crystal, make sure you have slept.

The Whale will automatically end up at the annihilated Eblan. You are too late!! The Giant is already summoned. What are you going to do? Wait! Giott and the Dwarves come and begin shooting at the Giant with their tanks. Yang is with them! Cid comes with airships! Palom and Porom come with the Elder of Mysidia. Even Edward comes to help! The Giant becomes intimidated with all the shooting. You need to go inside and defeat its Control System. Cid takes you near the mouth and you enter the Giant.

You begin in the Neck. Then you travel through the Chest, Stomach, Passage, and Lung. You soon run into Rubicant, Valvalis, Kainazzo, and Milon. They have joined forces! Rubicant restores your HP and MP, then you fight. Just give them all you got. They were not that difficult.

After you have defeated the Elemental Fiends, you may want to go back to the Save Spot to heal and Save. Then, go on to fight the CPU, the Attacker, and the Defense System. First, kill the Defense System, then the CPU. The Defense System restores the CPU's HP. If you kill both the Attacker and the Defense System, the CPU will use Globe 199. Be careful because the Attacker has a Wall on.

Once you have defeated the Control System, Golbez comes. FuSoYa falls to the ground, and Golbez says, "Why did I have all that hatred?" Golbez's dad is KluYa! Golbez is your brother! Golbez and FuSoYa go off to fight Zemus. Since Golbez is no longer under Zemus' control, Kain is no longer under Golbez's control. Kain joins you, and you follow him out.

Now, you go back to the moon automatically, leaving behind the girls (Rosa and Rydia) because you do not want them to get hurt. However, they come along anyway. There is no turning back now.

Bahamut Cave and Odin
Go to the Bahamut Cave on the moon. On your way, you will run into Behemoths. Watch out for them and give them all you got. They are tough. Then, you will run into Bahamut. If you have not already learned Levia, he will not even speak to you. You will then fight him. Give him everything you got, for the battle is timed. Once he is defeated, Rydia will learn Baham.

Get out of there and go back to earth. Go to Baron and go down to the basement. You will fight Odin and learn the summon, Odin.

The Crystal Palace and Conclusion
Go back to the moon and return to Lunar's Lair. Walk behind where FuSoYa was and step in the center. The Crystals will beam you into the Crystal Palace, the setting of the final battle.

In the Palace, you will obtain many useful weapons and armor. By the time you are finished, Kain should be equipped with all Dragoon equipment and the White Lance. Cecil should be equipped with all Crystal equipment. You should also have the Masamune and other weapons and armor. I found none of these items too difficult to find.

As you go on, you will run into Golbez and FuSoYa. You will watch them fight Zemus, use Meteo, and defeat him. How could it be that easy? Something is wrong with Cecil. Zeromus is created from everyone's hatred. The death of Zemus only increased his hatred, creating Zeromus. Golbez and FuSoYa fight Zeromus. Nothing works. Zeromus kills them before they get to use the Crystal. It is now your turn, but you are too weak. Your friends at Mysidia: the Elder, Yang, Edward, Palom, Porom, Cid, Giott, and Luca all wish for you. They then come in pairs, reviving your life. Once you are at full power, use the Crystal. I found that throwing Excalibur, the Avenger, and anything else (especially Ninja Starts) is the best technique for Edge. Kain, of course, has his Jump ability. Have Rydia cast Meteo. However, if Zeromus cast Wall on himself, use the Bahamut summon. White is quite effective, but keeping your party alive is more important. I recommend having Rosa use White the first time, but using Cure 4 (or Life 2 if needed) after that.

Zeromus' last words are, "I will not perish as long as there is evil in the hearts of people." Everyone has good and evil in their minds, just as there are Light and Dark Crystals. If there is evil, there will always be good to stop it.

Golbez and FuSoYa go off to sleep. The Whale goes back into the ocean. Palom and Porom continue their lessons with the Elder at Mysidia. Rydia stays with the monsters. Yang and his wife become the King and Queen of Fabul. Prince Edward still misses Anna and is rebuilding the Castle of Damcyan. Giott and Luca are rebuilding the Castle of Dwarves. They decide that they no longer need the tanks, so they scrap them for materials. Kain goes off to become a true Dragoon. Cid is with you and Rosa at Baron. You are to marry Rosa and become King and Queen of Baron. Everyone comes to your ceremony, except for Kain. The credits role, and the game is over.

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