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Chapter 1

"...she'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while"- Shawn Mullins

Mira was a 16-year-old girl living in New York City with her father,Gus, and her mother, Melissa. Mira had two passions in life: dance and film.

Because of her father’s occupation, she grew up learning how to analyze movies for imagery and symbolism and all that deep stuff. She grew up a little on the weird side.

Her father sat her down with some Alfred Hitchcock films at the age of 7 to discuss dark metaphors.

Mira loved it, though. She loved playing movie trivia with her dad and her sister,Trina. She loved pissing off her friends ... after they’d seen a movie, she would explain the horrible editing or an inconsistant plot line when they just thought Jennifer Love Hewitt’s hair looked cute.

But she couldn’t help it that she loved working with her father.

The other side of Mira’s life was in the dance studio. Four days a week she would lose herself in the company of her fellow dancers. Dance was how she defined herself, doing something that nobody else in her family did.

When Mira arrived home around dinner time after teaching a ballet and tap class to a group of 9 and 10 year olds, she was greeted by her father, who reminded her of her assigned duties for this project.

“Alright Mir, what are you doing tomorrow?” Her father questioned for the third time that day.

Mira sighed as she closed the refrigerator door.

“I’ll be at LaGuardia Airport tomorrow at 3:30, after school to pick up these guys, Isaac, Taylor, and..Zac. I’m aware Dad. Geez, I never would have imagined we’d be doing a music video, let alone for Hanson.” Mira said.

“What’s wrong with Hanson? I know you don’t know much about them but they are some smart guys. We’ve talked on the phone a couple of times about some ideas for their new video, and I must say I’m impressed,” Gus said.

“Great,” Mira said with little enthusiasm, “So what’s for dinner?”

“Mir, come on, this is a job you should take just as seriously as any other. Tacos.”

“Yum. Okay, Dad, I’ll set myself on professional mode tomorrow when I meet them at the airport," Mira promised as she headed upstairs to take a shower.

Chapter 2
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