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Chapter 2

"Hey my friend, it seems your eyes are troubled, care to shareyour time with me?" - Dave Matthews

Mira stood in the airport in a pair of jeans and a black v-neck sweater with a coat over her arm. She was waiting outside of the expectant crowd for these three kids who were arriving alone in the city.

Mira spotted three blonde heads and walked in their direction. She didn’t want to yell out any names so as to avoid making a scene.

“Uh oh Tay, I spy a fan making her way over here,” Zac Hanson murmurred to his older brother.

“Zac be nice,” Taylor whispered.

“Hi, Isaac right?” Mira asked as she stuck out her hand to greet the brothers. “I’m Mira Van Sant. I’m supposed to be picking you guys up.”

“Oh right. Hi Mira, yes,I’m Isaac. Nice to meet you,” he said with a smile as he shook her hand.

“Taylor,” the one in the middle with the baseball hat on stated as he shook Mira’s hand. She smiled, remembering he was “the sexy one”according to her dance class.

“And you must be Zac,” Mira guessed.

“I must be,” Zac smiled as he took her hand. “Pleasure to meet you Mira."

“Yeah, nice to meet you guys. Hey, sorry no warm hugs or anything, but we gotta get outta here," she told them as she spotted a group of teenage girls jumping up and down looking in their direction. “My car’s out front,follow me.”

Mira led the way and the rest followed her quickly to her red Volkswagen Jetta.

“Ooh - shotgun!” Isaac shouted once the car was in sight. Mira laughed as they piled into the car - Isaac up front of course.

“Ok we made it to the car,” Mira said, relieved. “Well, welcome to New York, boys. Ever been here before?” she asked turning around to the backseat.

“Yeah a few times,” Taylor replied, “But this will be the longest time we’ve spent here.”

Mira pulled out onto the road and began driving toward Manhattan. “We’ll actually get to look around the city and hopefully see more than the Regis & Kathy Lee studio,” Isaac said with a grin.

“Oh God,” Zac groaned.

Mira laughed and said, “Well it’s the city that never sleeps, my friends, so I’m sure we can find something to do.”

“Where are we going now?” Zac asked.

“I was thinking my place if that’s okay. You guys can meet my dad and then maybe we can get something to eat.”

“Sounds good to me,” Taylor replied, “Someone’s supposed to take our stuff to our hotel, so we’re free for the day. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t even know our schedule for the month we’ll be here.”

“Never fear, I’m in charge of everything you do while you’re here.We’ll go over it all at my house,” Mira told them.

“Our life is in your hands, Captain,” Zac sternly said putting his hand on Mira’s shoulder. “I trust your judgement.”

“As you should Private Hanson. You’re well taken care of, son” Mira tried to say as seriously as possible before laughter took over.

This boy is going to be a character, she thought.

Chapter 3
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