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Chapter 3

“She only drinks coffee at midnight, when the monent is not right. Her timing is quite...unusual ... Train

“What the hell, bitch?!” Mira shouted inside of her car, blaring the horn after some woman had just cut her off.

“Sorry,” she looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at Taylor and Zac, “Driving in the city sucks.”

“It’s okay, just don’t kill us please.” Taylor told her with a smile.

“I’ll try my best. DUDE! Green light means go!” Mira honked her horn again.

Isaac had to stifle a laugh in the seat next to her. “Shut up,” Mira smirked.

“Papi, estoy en casa,” Mira notified her father that she was home and led Isaac, Taylor, and Zac to his study. She found him typing away at his laptop.

“Oh, hey you guys,” he said to the boys, “I’m Gus.”

He shook each of their hands, and they introduced themselves. “Well this is gonna be great,I can see it now. Your best video yet.”

“Definitely,” Taylor replied, “We’re really looking forward to sharing some ideas with you.”

“So I assume Mira got you guys back from the airport okay,” Gus asked.

“Daddy,” Mira smiled, “Are you questioning my driving skills?”

Hejust looked at her with raised eyebrows. “So are your parents coming to New York?” Gus asked the boys.

“No, our mom’s...very pregnant and she’s due in like, two weeks, so dad stayed home with her and our brothers and sisters. Our bodyguards and manager are here though,” Taylor told him.

“Oh no, you’ll miss the baby being born,” Gus said.

“I know, but dad will be calling us with all the updates. It’s the best we can do,” Isaac said.

“That’s good.” Gus told them.

“Well anyway, we were just about to go grab something to eat and go over their schedule,” Mira said, changing the subject.

“Okay. Don’t you have dance tonight?” Her father questioned.

“Yeah later, at 6:30. Bye Dad!”

“Bye you guys.”

“Bye Gus, nice meeting you,” the three boys said as they left the house.

“Well he was cool,” Isaac said to no one in particular.

“Yeah, nice guy. Shotgun!” Taylor said as they all got to the car.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4