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Chapter 4

“It’s time to throw off those chains, addle our brains withmadness” - Barenaked Ladies

“So, Mira, tell us about yourself. What’s your story?” Zac asked as they took a seat in a booth at Joe’s Pizza.

“What do you wanna know?” Mira situated herself on the outside of Taylor across from Zac and Isaac.

“Have you always lived here?” Zac asked.

“Yeah, what’s it like growing up in the big city?” Taylor asked.

“Well I’ve lived here pretty much all my life and it's... I don’t know,I’ve never lived anywhere else so I guess it’s just home to me.” Mira told them as she took a sip of her coke.

“What do you do for fun?” Isaac asked.

“Well there’s tons to do here, but it’s just like any other town. I go to parties, coffee houses, Knicks games, whatever," Mira replied.

“Cool,” Isaac said, “Let’s go to a party tonight.”

“I can’t," Mira said. "I have dance tonight. Don’t worry, we’ll do plenty of stuff while you’re here.”

“How long have you been dancing?” Taylor asked.

“Um..I’m on my 12th year.”

“Wow,” Taylor said, “You must be real good then, huh?”

Mira laughed, “Well I guess, I don’t know - I try.”

“Can we watch?” Zac said “Come on! Can we come to the studio tonight and watch your class?”

“No way!” Mira said, embarassed “You guys will just sit there and laugh at me.”

“No we won’t. Come on, let us go,” Taylor begged. “We don’t have anything else to do tonight. Please,” Taylor whined, his blue eyes pleading.

“And we won’t laugh,” Isaac promised, “Hanson’s honor.”

“Fine,” Mira said ,defeated. “You guys can go, but it’s not that great.Don’t blame me if you get bored.”

“Schweet” Zac attempted in his Cartman voice. “So, Mira... are you up for hire?” he asked with a sly look.

“Oh shut up!” Mira lightly smacked him across the head while Taylor and Isaac laughed.

“Sorry,” Zac said laughing, “had to say it.”

“Okay, ANYWAY,” Mira changed the subject and cleared her throat,“Onto your schedule. Today is Thursday and we start work on Monday. That means you have the weekend to relax and check out the city with yours truly,” she smiled.

“So we start filming Monday?” Taylor asked.

“Uh...yeah right,” Mira replied. "Next week is pre- production, where we will be coming up with ideas for the video and laying them out on a storyboard and all that good stuff.”

“Ahh..well that sounds cool with me.” Taylor said.

“Yeah, we never got any say with our other videos, this’ll be fun,” Zac said with a smile.

“Glad to hear it,” Mira replied. “Now - what do you want to do tomorrow night?”

“What is there to do?” Isaac asked.

“Hmm..” Mira thought, “Would your parents let you go to a dance club?”

“A dance club??” all three said in unison.

“Yeah! Come on! They’re fun, and we won’t go to some bump and grind place. This place plays like, crappy 80’s and 90’s dance music like Vanilla Ice and stuff.”

“Hmm... well if it’s Vanilla Ice...” Isaac began thoughtfully.

“Come on, it’ll be fun! And I don’t get to go out dancing that often,” Mira tried to convince them.

“Okay,” Taylor began, “But watch out for Ike. His dancing isn’t exactly ‘hip’,” he teased.

“Oh right, I forgot about ‘Tay the Backstreet Boy’.” Ike shot back.

“Okay, okay! So you’ll go?” Mira asked hopefully.

“Yeah we’ll break it down for ya,” Taylor said with a smile.

“Perfect,” Mira said, looking back at Taylor.

Chapter 5
Chapter Back to the Creativity Haven