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“Isaac’s, like, the one you’d want to date, ya know? But Taylor, the middle one, he’s just sexy!”

Mira listened with an amused grin as one of her students at Broadway Dance Center rambled on about the three brothers known as Hanson.

“Uh-huh,” Mira said, “and what about the other one?”

“Oh he’s crazy!” Allison began.

“Yeah! And a cutie!” Emily, another young dancer stated.

“They’re all so fine!!” Rachael squealed.

The other ballerinas giggled and gathered around their teacher. “You HAVE to bring them by the studio, Miss Mira!” Allison said.“You’re so lucky you get to work with them.”

“Well I’ll try to get them over here. But first I have to see justhow ‘sexy’ this Taylor is,” Mira finished with a grin. “Okay you guys, getout of here. I’ll see you next week.”

“Bye Miss Mira!” Various students shouted as they left the dance studio on the corner of 57th street and Broadway.

Mira Van Sant, the daughter of Oscar nominated film director Gus Van Sant, had no idea what she was getting into when she agreed to work with her father on his latest project...

Chapter 1
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