A Quick Look Of Cebu

Cebu Province has a total population of around 3 million. Cebuano is the native tongue. English and Tagalog are commonly understood and spoken.

Cebu is best from December to May when the weather turns dry. It is coolest from December to February, hottest from March to May. Temperature can rise higher than 100F in the summer. The rainy season begins in July bringing torrential downpours that would sometimes inhibit movement.

Philippine Time:
Philippine standard time is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Meantime.

Predominantly Roman Catholic. Other major denominations include Protestantism, Moslem .

Dress/What to Bring:
Wear naturalfibre, lightweight clothing. You'll feel more comfortable. Bring shorts, hat sunglasses, bathing suit, insect repellent, flashlight, sun block cream, tough shoes for walking, rubber slippers for the beach. Pack tissue paper in your purse as public toilets almost never have any. The Barong Tagalog is acceptable formal wear for men. Shorts or sleeveless shirts should never be worn when visiting churches, mosques or temples.

Electrical Appliances:
Most areas in Cebu are supplied with 220 volts, 60 cycles. A plug with 2 flat parallel prongs is the norm.

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More on Cebu

A Quick Look of Cebu
Some Do's and Don't
Sight Seeing in Cebu
Feasts & Festivals


The Cebuano as Entrepreneur
It is really different in Cebu

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