Bruce Wayne was born in Gotham City to Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne. One night, after seeing a rousing adventure film, the Wayne family headed through a shortcut alleyway and was confronted by a street mugger named Joe Chill. When Thomas tried to stop the mugger from stealing his wife's pearl necklace, he shot both Thomas and his wife right in front of an 8-year old Bruce's eyes. Running away in fear of what he had done, the mugger was never brought to justice.
On that very night, on the street stained with his parent's blood, young Bruce made a vow to rid Gotham of the evil that had taken his parents' lives. He swore that what happened to him would never happen to anyone else again. Using his family's extensive wealth, he spent the next 10-12 years traveling the world, seeking out the best minds in martial arts, criminology, escapology, disguise, and the craft of detecting. He toned his body and mind to the peak of human perfection. Upon his return to Gotham, after an unsuccessful first night as a crime fighter, he sat in his father's study as a bat burst through the window.
From his teachings, he remembered that criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot. Adopting the frightening image of the creature that had ominously come to him, he would strike terror into the hearts of those who committed evil in his domain. It was this symbol that brought about the birth of the Batman.
Current Version:
Former Versions:
Batman (Mask of Tengu)
the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh