Margaret Pye
F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Gd10
Health: 86 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: -5
Known Powers:
Black Lantern Power Ring
Hip-Pouch: Magpie a number of weapons in her hip-pouch, including:
-Exploding Dart Gun: Fires up to 3 area, dart deals Rm damage to an area
-Dynamite: In damage to an entire area
-Poisonous Gas Pellets: Rm intensity, covers an entire area
Claws: Magpie’s gloves contain spring-loaded claws that can cause Ex Edge. They are coated with a paralysis venom of In intensity. Victim must make a Red Endurance FEAT vs. paralysis
Talents: Thief, Stealth, Demolitions
Contacts: Black Lantern Corps