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The Ventriloquist

The Ventriloquist

Arnold Wesker

F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Gd10/Ex20
I) Gd10/Ex20
P) Am50/Rm30

Health: 28 Karma: 70/50
Resources: Ty Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Ventriloquism: Wesker has Rm ability to throw his voice to make it seems that Scarface is alive. He cannot pronounce the letter “B”, which sounds like the letter “G” (ex. Batman=Gatman).
Multiple Personalities: Wesker’s stats are on the left while Scarface’s stats are on the right.

Black Lantern Power Ring

Talents: Ventriloquism

Contacts: Scarface


F) Gd10
A) Pr4
S) Ty6
E) In40

Health: 60

Known Powers:
Construct: Scarface is an energy construct derived from the Black Lantern Power Ring.

Mini Thompson Submachine Gun: Rm Shooting, 7 areas

Talents: Guns, Crime, Leadership

Contacts: The Ventriloquist