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Young Justice

Superboy, Robin and Impulse helped rescue a mysterious girl called the Secret from custody by the U.S. Government-backed D.E.O. The teens united as Young Justice and started to operating out of the Justice League of America’s abandoned Secret Sanctuary, The boys were soon joined by Arrowette, Wonder Girl and the Secret. The team was given the stamp of approval by the Justice League, and Red Tornado became Young Justice’s mentor.

Klarion the Witch Boy cast a spell that transformed the adult heroes into children while having the reverse effect on the members of Young Justice. The process was ultimately reversed for all but Lobo, who took on the name Slobo. Young Justice journeyed to Austrailia where they fought a team of villains representing the rogue state Zandia. The mysterious Empress joined the team after Young Justice learned that she was Anita, daughter of government ally Donald Fite. After a devastating mission to Apokolips, Snapper Carr came aboard as a senior member, succeeding Red Tornado as team mentor. The Ray also joined the team at that time.

After Baron Agua Sin Gaaz murdered Empress’ father, Young Justice led a squad of heroes in an attack on his famous Zandian fortress. Corrupted by Darkseid, the Secret then went on a rampage until Robin managed to break through to her. Darkseid punished the young warrior by restoring her humanity. He also banished Slobo to the 853rd Century, condemning him to an eternity as a statue. A mysterious blue cyborg-girl named Indigo did serious damage to the Titans and Young Justice and unleashed a defective Superman Robot which killed Teen Titan Lilith and Troia. In a state of shock, both teams disbanded.

Wonder Girl
The Secret
The Ray

Supporting Cast:
Red Tornado
Snapper Carr
Agent Ishido Maad
Agent Donald Fite