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One of the most useful things you can do with html, tables enable you to do just about anything (well ok, you can't use them to get out of studying for that annoying Spanish test on Monday... but just about everything else!). So what is a table? No wait, let's make that an official question:

What is a table?
A table is one of the most useful things in webdesign, that enables you to organize images and text into different cells, and gives endless possibilities for layouts! The whole SMOG site is built upon simple tables.

So how do I make a simple table?
The first thing, of course, is the <table> tag. You start out a table with
and end it with

There are 2 ways to set things apart in tables. The first is rows. A row starts out with the <tr> tag and ends with </tr>. TR stands for Table Row. So far our table looks like this:
Now just having rows isn't good enough. You also have to have cells, which are positioned in rows. The cell tags go between the Row tags and look like this: <td>. I'm not sure what TD stands for, if someone knows please email me. I will give you credit.
In our table we would like to have one row and 2 cells. So far it looks like this:

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