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Equi Tribebook


Long, long ago, there were shifters of all kinds. Not just wolves, but others, like bats, boars, cattle, and horses. These strange non-predatory shifters disappeared in the War of Rage... or so the Garou thought. Some were truly gone, killed off by the greed, pride, and hate of the Garou. Others went into hiding. With only a few of their kind left, they could not afford to let the wolves know of their existence; woe be the werehorse found by the children of Wolf.

- Outruns-the-Tides, All Shadow Metis Equi of the Palousa

Werehorses survived the War of Rage... barely. They are called the Equi, the Horse People, and were once the sacred prey of the Garou. Now, there are so few left that even the Bastet outnumber them.

Like the other shifters, the Equi are divided into individual tribes. Some are warlike and still locked in an unending war with the predator-shifters, while some are calm peacemakers and peacekeepers, bent on ending the conflict between the Garou and the Equi. Just as the Bastet are divided by species, the Equi are classified by the shape of their body and the color of their coat. Some tribes define themselves by bloodlines.

The Equi do not serve any one member of the Triat; rather, each Equi serves the spirit he or she is born under. Some Equi uphold the strict web of the Weaver. Others revel in the wonders of the Wyld. Many follow the justice of the Wyrm. This is what causes the most friction between the Garou and Equi: the fact that more Equi serve the Wyrm than any other member of the Triat. However, what most Garou don't know is that the Equi do not recognise the Triatic Wyrm, but the Balancer Wyrm. Corruption is not a part of a Wyrm Equi's agenda for serving the Wyrm.

Tribes of the Equi

Black Chargers: Massive draft horses of Celtic descent, they advocate peace and tranquility.

Fallaera Oberona: Tiny ponies, these are the most anti-predator of all Equi, believing that the predator-prey relationship needs to be repaired by killing most of the Garou.

Kalla Khan: Bizzare African Equi who breed with zebras, they are the only tribe of Equi who was left virtually untouched by the War of Rage.

Palousa: Spotted horses who have chosen Native Americans for breeding stock, these gentle shamans still maintain ties with the Wendigo Garou.

Storm Runners: Small Arabian warrior horses, these Equi rigorously make war on the predatory shifters at every chance.

Taki: Primitive and fierce, this wild and nomadic tribe hails from the plains of Mongolia.

Zephyrs: Quarter Horses and Paints of the American West, they are industrial and place great value on a pedigree and bloodlines.

Shadow Paths (Auspices of the Equi)

The Equi do not have auspices per se, but Shadow Paths. The Shadow Path dictates which member of the Triat the Equi serve.

Long Shadows: Self-explanatory, it is when the shadow of the Equi is taller than she is. Spiritualistic and introspective, they are adamant servants of the Wyld.

Even Shadows: The shadow of the Equi is the same height as she is. Unimaginative yet practical, they see the Weaver as the chosen of the Triat.

No Shadows: Rarest of the Equi, she is born at noon and has no Shadow at all. She is free to serve any member of the Triat she chooses, and to change her alliance at will.

Smaller Shadows: Born near No Shadows, the shadow is smaller than the Equi. Outgoing and known for their playfulness, they are the most fanatic servants of the Wyld.

All Shadows: The most common Shadow Path, she is born at night and therefore the Shadow is all around her. Balanced and distant, they serve the Balancer Wyrm.


Homid: Born a human, just as the Homid Garou and other shifters.

Equine: Suprisingly the most in number, the Equine Equi are born horses and enter their first change when they are three to four years old.

Metis: Unlike other shifters, the Metis Equi are not deformed and are capapble of breeding.

Character Creation

Step 1: Choose the tribe of your werehorse.

Step 2: Choose the Shadow Path your werehorse will follow.

Step 3: Choose your werehorse's breed.

Click here for the next steps in creating you're werehorse.