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Polls about Hot Tubs and Spas!

Welcome to Hot tub and Spa Information Central Polls Page.

Please take a moment to view our polls, please vote where you can shed a little light, and feel free to email the webmaster if you think you have a good poll question.

(You are completely anonymous during this, so feel free to answer as you like)

The goal of this page is to help consumers better understand dealers, and spa and hot tub dealers better understand the needs and concerns of the Spa and hot tub buying public.

(hints: Leave the first pop up open until you are done, this will keep additional ones from loading. Close the results window after you vote: The results of your polling question will be displayed in a new window)

Please answer as many as you can!

Consumer polling section: 

Which of the following was most important in choosing a spa / hot tub
Jet count
Dealer Reputation
None of the above (Other Reason)
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How often do you use your spa
More than once per day
Once per day
3-6 times per week
1 or 2 times per week
less than once per week
less than once per month
none of the above
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How many spa dealers will you / did you visit before buying.
more than 6
none, will buy online or used.
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How important is price in your buying decision.
The most important
very important
not very important
not a consideration
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How important is service after the sale in your buying decision.
The most important
very important
not very important
not a consideration
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How important is the design of the spa / hot tub in your buying decision.
The most important
very important
not very important
not a consideration
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How many people on average use your spa at one time
more than 6
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(Current Spa owners only! ) How much did you spend for your spa?
$1000 - $2000
$6000 - $7000
$7000- $8000
$8000 - $9000
> $10,000
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(Current Spa Shoppers only! ) How much do you plan to spend for your new spa?
$1000 - $2000
$6000 - $7000
$7000- $8000
$8000 - $9000
> $10,000
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(Current Spa Dealers only! ) What is the average spa sale in your store?
$1000 - $2000
$6000 - $7000
$7000- $8000
$8000 - $9000
> $10,000
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Spa and Hot Tub Dealer polling section..

Do you charge a trip or travel fee for warranty service?
Yes - always
No- never
Sometimes: Depends on the distance to the tub
Sometimes: Depends on the Nature of the Call
Sometimes: Depends on the attitude of the customer.
I don't understand the question.
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Dealers: Do you sell the chemicals to treat the spas / hot tubs you sell?
some but not all
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Dealers: Do you sell aftermarket items for the spas / hot tubs you sell?
Yes, we have many items.
Yes, we have a few items
We only sell covers and chemicals
We sell chemicals only
No we do not have any items for after the sale.
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DEALERS ONLY: What is the most important factor in deciding to sell a brand or line of spas
Brand Name
Factory Support
Warranty duration
Ease of warranty usage
dependability of product
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Open for everyone:

Did you find this website helpful?
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Information about hot tubs and spas!
From Hot Tub Information Central.

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feel free to modify it as you see fit to conform with the layout or design of your page.


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Inside this Site

Hot Tub Info Home

DIY Do It Yourself Spas and Hot Tubs

Spa and Hot Tub Shoppers Guide

Spa Sales pitch and Myths

Spa & Hot Tub Shell Materials

 Spa & Hot Tub Cabinet materials and construction

Electrical Hookup

 Water Treatment Chemicals

Spa / Hot Tub Plumbing

 Recommended spa brands!

Winterizing Your Spa

Spa and Hot Tub Articles

Other Online Resources

Our Online Store (page)

 Advertising At Hot Tub Info Central

Links Exchange

 Press Release Central

Saltwater Sanitizing Systems

Hot Tubs , Spas and Pools For Sale


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