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My cats...

I always claimed to hate cats, and I thought I did... but now... well... the following several pages will be dedicated to my cats... sigh...

My boy, Tux

This is my boy Tuxedo Cat posing on the stairs next to a stuffed bunny I made. He is one of my two favorites. OK, I KNOW you are not supposed to have favorite kids but... well... he is just SUCH a loving cuddly lap kitty!

Black Dahlia

Momma cat. She is what is called a Black Smoke coloured cat. She has a very pretty face. She is a little scruffy in these pics because she was still nursing the peepers.

Dahls butt

See her funny little tail? She looks much better than this now but she is camera shy. She looked like she was wearing rumpled clothes in this. Hey, having babies will do that to ya.

* More of the CATS*