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The Pskarnaq saga begins mid fall `98 when brothers Brian and Craig Dunlap, along with cousin Mike Justice began jamming in their grandma`s garage. With Craig on the acoustic guitar ,Mike on the FOLGERS cans, and Brian on vocals. After deciding drums were not for him, Mike decided to take up the bass. Now with a YAMAHA drum machine, the band recorded a couple of songs through a boom box and then a 4-track recorder. After a year or so of just messing around with the music, nothing came of it. In mid 2000, while talking with a fellow local musician, Nik Proper,the guys mentioned the stuff they were working on and said he should have a listen, because it was some funny shit.Also mentioning they were wanting to record more songs, Nik asked who the drummer was, and they told him a drum machine was being used.Being a drummer himself, Nik asked them to not use a drum machine(because they suck!)and said that he would record the drum tracks for them to keep.So they gave him a listen to the songs and set up a date to practice at Nik`s practice space downtown in the METRONOME STUDIO`s. After having so much fun playing the songs and liking the way everything fit, Nik decided he was in. A few months later with a few songs done and things going good, the band tossed around the idea of adding another guitarist. Jay Morgan, a friend of Craig`s, came out a few times to jam but was not chosen at first because of another friend that was considered first for the spot ,Frank Tilley. When that didn`t pan out, Jay just kinda` fell into the band, but it worked out good because J and Craig were good friends and worked well together as guitarists (no competition or ego`s).














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