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My Friends

I have never had a lot of friends, but the friends that I do have are really great:

My brother has been my best friend since the day he was born. He has ALWAYS been there for me and ALWAYS will be. He has also helped me with HTML and designed the basic outline for my frames. Without him, I'd don't know where I'd be right now. Dream Cast and Playstation Cheat Central.

I have known my friend Tiffany for about nine years now. She is one of the few hetero people that have actually accepted me.

My friend Liz is really cool. She is another hetero person that has accepted me. I can talk to her about anything and everything.

My friend Amber (a different girl than my ex) is always there to comfort me when something's bothering me. She is very encouraging and always knows what to say.

My calc teacher has taught me more than math, she has taught me how to express myself better. She has taught me that feeling isn't a bad thing. She is also an awesome piano accompanist and has accompanied me for three years (this year will be her fourth year accompanying me).

My friend Tim is one of the few hetero guys that is cool with me. Most guys ask stupid questions, but Tim has always been cool. He and I can even talk about girls (I just talk about how wonderful and gorgeous Amber is).

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