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Gay/Les/Bi Issues

As an openly gay female, I have received a lot of discrimination. I have had obscenities shouted at me pertaining to my sexuality, and I have even had people threaten me to my face. I've had guys tell me that they could "make" me "straight." It doesn't work that way, however. I then decided to make a web-page. At first, I didn't know what to call it or what to put on it. After much thought, I decided to put up my writings from the research I have done on my page.

I became discouraged, for my page wasn't receiving hits. I expanded my page by putting up various things that interest me (i.e., RPGs, music, etc.), and my original message was buried under it all.

My writing is also much more mature than it was when I originally wrote everything. I then decided to re-write and move my Les/Bi/Gay stuff. This is it.

The Fight for Equality: This is an outline of the discrimination and the victories that the les/bi/gay community has faced.

Homophobia: I didn't really know what to title this one. It covers Hate Crimes/Discrimination, Double Standards/Stereotypes, Studies, and Children. The paper was too strong to re-write. It's very depressing and emotional though. It was very difficult for me not to put in my opinion in on every other sentence (I put up my Rants and Raves so I could go on and on about my opinion).

Famous Les/Bi/Gay People throughout History: This topic doesn't interest me because I want every fact and detail of who has had sex with who. It interested me because it proves that one can love a member of the same sex and still be successful. I hear it all too often that I will never be able to make it anywhere in life as an openly gay female. However, there are many successful openly gay people: The Indigo Girls, Melissa Etheridge, k.d. lang, Elton John, Ellen Degeneres, Anne Heche, etc.

Lesbian Poetry: I believe that the love between two women is one of the most beautiful things on Earth. Therefore, I had to put up some poetry written by women for women.

Same-Sex Marriage: I am in total support of same-sex marriage. When I was instructed by my English 10 teacher to write a persuasive essay, this is the topic I chose. I decided to put up this one just as I handed it in my tenth grade year (I did fix a few grammatical errors).

Homophobia and Hate Crimes: This is an essay I wrote for my government class in eleventh grade (I happened to have the same teacher for both English 10 and Government). I was disgusted with the death of Matthew Shepard and began to wonder if someone would ever kill me just because of my sexuality.

Links for parents with les/bi/gay teens. This section is suggested by someone who e-mailed me. As the gay teen, I never really thought about putting up links for parents.

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