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"At my back I hear the word-'homosexual'-
and it seems to split my world in two…
It is ignorance, our ignorance of one another,
that creates this terrifying erotic chaos.
Information, a crumb of information,
seems to light the world."--John Cheever,
U.S. author. From John Cheever:
The Journals
, "The Sixties," entry 1966.

"Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage,
but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice,
no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness;
we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function,
produced by a certain arrest of sexual development.
Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and
modern times have been homosexuals,
several of the greatest men among them
(Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.).
It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as
a crime-and a cruelty, too. If you do not believe me,
read the books of Havelock Ellis."--Sigmund Freud,
Austrian psychiatrist. From The Letters of
Sigmund Freud
, 1961.
The letter was originally written on April 9, 1935,
to a woman requesting treatment for her son.

"In homosexual sex, you know exactly what the
other person is feeling, so you are identifying with
the other person completely. In heterosexual sex,
you have no idea what the other person is feeling."--William
Burroughs, U.S. author. From With William Burroughs:
A Report from the Bunker
, 1981.

"I've spent fifteen years of my life fighting for
our right to be free and make love whenever, wherever…
And you're telling me that all those years of what
being gay stood for is wrong…and I'm a murderer.
We have been so oppressed! Don't you remember how it was?
Can't you see how important it is for us to love openly,
without hiding and without guilt?"--Larry Kramer,
U.S. playwright. From The Normal Heart.

"The only way we'll have real pride is when we demand
recognition of a culture that isn't just sexual.
It's all there-all throughout history we've been there;
but we have to claim it, and identify who was in it,
and articulate what's in our minds and hearts and all
our creative contributions to this earth. And until we do that,
and until we organize ourselves block by neighborhood
by city by state into a united visible community
that fights back, we're doomed."--Larry Kramer,
U.S. playwright. From The Normal Heart.

"This is a celebration of individual freedom,
not of homosexuality. No government has the
right to tell its citizens when or whom to love.
The only queer people are those who don't
love anybody."--Rita Mae Brown, US
feminist writer. From opening of the
Gay Olympics in San Francisco.

"I have always been principally interested in men for sex.
I've always thought any sane woman would be
a lover of women because loving men is such a mess.
I have always wished I'd fall in love with a woman.
Damn."--Germaine Greer, Australian feminist writer.
From New York Times Book Review, October 11, 1992.

"You can't type what a lesbian is. We're anything
and everything. The one thing in common is that
we make love to other women. So give up trying
to limit us."--Amanda Bearse: actor and television director

"I became a lesbian because of women, because
women are beautiful, strong, and compassionate."--Rita Mae Brown

"You're neither unnatural, nor abominable,
nor mad; you're as much a part of what people
call nature as anyone else; only you're
unexplained as yet -- you've not got your niche
in creation."--Radclyffe Hall in The Well of Loneliness, 1928

"Why should I paint dead fish, onions, and
beer glasses? Girls are so much prettier."--Marie Laurencin: artist

"Are there many things in this cool-hearted
world so utterly exquisite as the pure love
of one woman for another?"--Mary McLane

"I want to marry my partner of eight years.
I think it's only fair. I'm a tax-paying individual.
I'm a law-abiding citizen. I've followed all the rules.
I don't see why I can't get the same financial breaks
that heterosexuals get. I don't want to go into your
church and do this--this is not a religious thing for me.

"This is merely a health insurance issue…
visitation in the hospital issue…to be flying
together overseas and not have to fill out two forms…
to look at a form that you fill out and when it says
'spouse,' being able to fill in the name of the person
who would fall into that category. Those are the things
that people don't realize and take for granted."--Melissa Etheridge
speaking in support of same-sex marriage (July of 1996).

"There is nothing mixed up about a woman who
loves women, who wants to have sex with them,
or who identifies as a lesbian. It is society that
is mixed up because it punishes people for not
conforming to its gender stereotypes."--Edward Stein

"Love can not be categorized as homosexual,
heterosexual, right or wrong. It is not what you
love, rather who you love that matters."

"The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals
and three hundred sixty two to heterosexuals.
That doesn't mean God doesn't love heterosexuals.
It's just that they need more supervision." Lynn Lavner

"A person's sexuality is so much more than one
word 'gay.' No one refers to anyone as just
'hetero' because that doesn't say anything.
Sexual identity is broader than a label."--Gus Van Sant,
U.S. filmmaker. From Sight and Sound (London, August 1992).

"If homosexuality is a sickness, let's all call in
queer to work. 'Hello, can't work today, still queer…'"

"If you remove all homosexuals and homosexual influence
from what is generally regarded as American culture,
you would pretty much be left with 'Let's Make a Deal.'" Fran Lebowitz

"What we call human nature in actuality is human habit."--Jewel Kilcher

"It's odd how many people are prejudice about
things that have no relevance to their lives."

"Hatred is a virus that shall live as long as it has
something to feed on. After it consumes us all,
its fever will have nowhere to rage except in
the bodies of those who unleashed it on our world."

"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not."

"Unfortunately, the Constitution does not prevent Americans
from making complete asses of themselves."--Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Don't let the people who live on fear and hate
govern how you live."--Melissa Etheridge

"Greed begets hate, and hate is the foundation of all evil."

"He's YOUR God. They're YOUR rules. YOU burn in hell!"

"The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round,
for I have seen the shadow on the moon,
and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church."

"Religion is the masterpiece of animal training,
for it trains people as to how they shall think."--Arthur Shopenhauer

"I contend that we are both Atheists.
I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you dismiss all other gods,
then you will understand why I dismiss yours."--Stephen Roberts

"I know of no book which has been a source of brutality
and sadistic conduct, both public and private,
that can compare with the Bible."--Lord Paget

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god
who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect
has intended us to forgo their use."--Galileo Galilei

"These flowers possess strength as well as beauty...
They come up through the hard ground...
I love that strength."
Mariel, the Elw girl in Wild ARMs

"This world is bullshit, and you shouldn't model
your life about what you think that you think we
think is cool, and what we're wearing,
and what we're saying and everything.
Go with yourself."--Fiona Apple

"Our society places a supreme value on control,
on hiding what you feel. It mocks primitive culture
and prides itself on the suppression of natural
instincts and impulses."--Jim Morrison

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears the tune of a different
drummer. Let him march to the music he hears,
however measured or far away."--Thoreau

"As you may have noticed, my mind does not work
the same as most. That is to say, I'm sort of…well…
different. And yet it seems to have worked for me."--Ellen Degeneres

"No one is free when others are oppressed."

"I may disagree with what you have to say,
but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."--Voltaire

"Style is being yourself, but on purpose."

"…It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."

"That which we are for strengthens us.
That which we are against, makes us weak."

"To sin by silence when they should protest
makes cowards of men."--Abraham Lincoln

"The impossibility and hypocrisy of a situation
where kids are expected to be honest but are judged
and alienated from their community because
of it should not escape us."--Amy Ray

"I think the best way to be an activist is to live
your life well and be honest. It means being out.
If you are not comfortable marching, you can make
a big difference just by working side by side with
someone who actually knows you're gay and
a fine human being."--Melissa Etheridge

"When freedom is outlawed then only the
outlaws will be free."--Tom Robbins

"I make weapons out of my imperfections."--Tool

"A man without his honor is a man without his soul.
My honor is my life…"

"I never thought I would want to become strong.
I didn't think strength was a pretty attribute.
But now I feel it's wonderful."--Emmy Villaverde

"I'd rather suffer the consequences of truth
than of silence."--Ani Difranco

"Expose yourself to your deepest fear.
After that fear has no power and the fear of
freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free."--Jim Morrison

"When we hide our true selves from the ones we love,
what price do we pay for that deception?"

"Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates,
and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Einstein,
and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.
To be great is to be misunderstood."--Thoreau

"We love without knowing it. A man-or a woman-can't love
on schedule. I don't wake up in the morning and say, 'I shall
start loving at 9:20, and continue until 10:15.' Yes, it is
accidental. And it's everywhere - it's the wind, the tide,
the waves, the sunshine." From The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.
We read and write poetry because we are members
of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.
And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble
pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."

"There's a difference between sex and making love."

"When you love someone it is forever,
or it was never really love at all."--Ken Kesey

"Good friends are hard to find, even harder to leave,
and impossible to forget."

FINE = Frustrated Insecure Neurotic Emotional

"It isn't the burden of today that drives men mad.
It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow."

"There was never a genius without a tincture of madness!"--Aristotle

"The only people for me are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,
mad to be saved, desirous of everything at
the same time."--Jack Kerouac

"Accepting reality is the first step to insanity."

"No matter how paranoid you are,
you're not paranoid enough."--Susanne Modeski

"Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."

"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.
No other road, no other way, no other day but today." From RENT

"Depression is the deadliest poison of them all."

"Far and away the best prize that life offers is
the chance to work hard at work worth doing"--Theodore Roosevelt

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy in life is when a grown man is afraid of the light."--Plato

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

"If it's too loud, you're too old."

"Unfortunately, the Constitution does not prevent Americans
from making complete asses of themselves."--Oliver Wendell Holmes
(I know this one is also in the Hate and Misunderstanding
Quotes section, but it was too good not to put in more than once).

"We barely have time to react in this world,
let alone rehearse. And I don't think that I'm better
than you, but I don't think that I'm worse."--Ani DiFranco

"If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."--Sun Tzu

"In any given situation, there are more dumb
people than smart people…and we ain't many."--Ken Kesey

"I wish to learn what life has to teach, and not,
when I come to die, discover that I have not truly lived."--Thoreau

"To know that we know what we know,
and that we do not know what we do not know,
that is true knowledge."--Ellen Degeneres

"I fight fire with words.
Words are hotter than flames and wetter than water."--Ani DiFranco

"If I can survive, I can be somebody tomorrow."--Michelle Malone

"What lies behind us and what lies before us
are small matters compared to
what lies within us."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To different minds, the same world is a
Hell, and a heaven."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I'm the one who's gonna die when it comes time
for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to."--Jimi Hendrix

"They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had.
And add some extra, just for you."--Philip Larkin, This Be the Verse

"I was worrying about tonight, last night.
And last night, I shoulda been worryin' about last night.
And the night before that, I shoulda been worryin' about that night.
Because worrying about tomorrow is a bunch of shit.
'Cause tomorrow may not never come.
Tomorrow: There's no guarantee about tomorrow.
Fuck tomorrow!
You dig what I'm saying?
And yesterday's shit.
Yesterday, that's history.
That's dead and gone.
Yesterday ain't worth nothin'.
It's gone, baby.
'Cause all you got to worry about
is right here, right now."--Sammy Hagar (formerly) of Van Halen
From "Panama" on the Live: Right Here, Right Now Album

"We are not here concerned with hopes or fears,
only with the truth as far as our reason permits
us to discover it."--Charles Darwin

On Earthworms: "It may be doubted whether there are
many other animals which have played so important
a part in the history of the world, as these lowly,
organized creatures."--Darwin

"Earthworms must be considered as terrestrial animals…
During the summer when the ground is dry,
they penetrate to a considerable depth and cease to work,
as they do during the winter when the ground is frozen.

"Worms are nocturnal in their habits,
and at night may be crawling about in large numbers,
but usually with their tails still inserted in their burrows.
By the expansion of this part of their bodies,
and with the help of the short…bristles,
with which their bodies are armed,
they hold so fast that they can seldom be dragged
out of the ground without being torn into pieces.
During the day, they remain in their burrows,
except at the pairing season, when those which
inhabit adjoining burrows expose the greater
part of their bodies for an hour or two in the early morning."

"Worms do not posses any sense of hearing.
They took not the least notice of the shrill notes
from a metal whistle, which was repeatedly
sounded near them; nor did they of the deepest
and loudest tones of a bassoon.

"They were indifferent to shouts, if care was taken
that the breath did not strike them.
When placed on a table close to the keys of a piano,
which was played as loudly as possible, they remained perfectly quiet."

"Father has no proof sheets and has taken to training earthworms,
but does not much progress as they can neither see nor hear.
They are, however, amusing and spend hours in seizing hold
of the edge of a cabbage leaf and trying in vein to pull it into their holes.
They give such tugs they shake the whole leaf."--Emma, Charles' wife and cousin,
in a letter to one of their children

"I'm such an incredibly, stupidly sensitive person
that everything that happens to me, I experience
it really intensely. I feel everything very deeply.
And when you feel things deeply and you think
about things a lot and you think about how you feel,
you learn a lot about yourself.
And when you know yourself, you know life."

"This is a song about knowing your anger and
knowing what your focus of anger is for.
There's so many assholes in the world.
And as long as you can recognize them, you can avoid them."

"I just had something on my mind and I just said it...
and that's really the foreshadowing of my entire career
and my entire life. When I have something to say, I'll say it."

"It's psychologically and chemically impossible
for me to be happy. I know I'm going to die young."

"The way I feel about music-any song, any style-
is that there is no right and wrong, only true and false.
If the music and lyrics are conceived out of honesty,
and if the production of the song goes along
with its original message, then what has been
expressed is art regardless of what anyone's opinion is of it.
So things are a lot simpler if you just tell the truth."

Dave Matthews on music: "It's a good focus;
to try to bring people together rather than separate them."

"Except for Stefan's bass guitar, we're an acoustic band.
That comes from the early days of jazz,
and from the classical influence too."--Carter Beauford

"There are so many different elements in our music.
You really can't put a label on it,
and that's why I love it so much."--Carter Beauford

"When I'm really into the music,
my whole body, my whole soul is into it."--Boyd Tinsley

"We're very American, as Dave says.
Jazz, fiddle-style, rock, it's almost a melting pot
of American music. People are drawn into it.
There's passion here."--Boyd Tinsley

"It's great. There's an age gap between Dean and I,
and I never got to know Dean growing up.
It's great, because he's become more than a brother,
he's a friend."--Ed Roland

"People want so badly to label this band,
and I refuse to be labeled."--Ed Roland

"I have a few country tunes that I'd really like to sell.
One is called 'Now You Got Me Drinking, Don't Let Me Drink Alone.'
Some of them, I'll play to the guys, who are usually
sitting their with their mouths open going, 'What is that?.'"--Ed Roland

On his country songs: "One day I'll do something with them,
but I have no time yet. I just love writing them.
I'd love to do some scoring too,
but Collective Soul consumes so much of my time."--Ed Roland

"At first we thought that the most important thing was
getting a record deal, but now that we're passed that.
We realize that there is so much more to it."--Shane Evans

On the name Collective Soul: "He read it in a book,
'The Fountainhead' by Ayn Rand. She Describes mankind
as a 'collective soul' and the phrase always stuck with him.
And it describes our relationship pretty well."--Dean Roland

"I would rather have someone know all the words to my songs
than to see me in the grocery store, and know who I am.--Rob Thomas

"You can spit shine me all you want,
but I'm still the same old piece of tin."--Rob

"The whole concept of Yourself or Someone Like You
is that people are supposed to deal with their friends and their family,
and their relationships in a similar way.
There are similarities in everyone's emotions."--Rob

"The album is not depressing. It was meant to be a celebration
of getting through, surviving, and being on the upswing of things.
For me, these are happy songs."--Rob

"I'm not one of those people who suffers for his art,
it's more like I'd be suffering without it.
Writing songs is almost medicinal for me,
it's the best therapy I can think of."--Rob

"I would hope it's the 'universalness' to the songs
that resonate for people. It fits anybody.
They're just about emotions, certain core,
basic emotions that everybody shares.
I don't think I'm speaking for a generation.
I'm not saying anything all that complicated.
I'm just rehashing my emotions."--Rob

"I would like to think everything is going so well
because they like our songs, and because there's something
in it that attaches themselves to them and their lives
and the things that they're going through. I mean, you never know,
some people like us 'cause they think we're cute.
Some people like us 'cause we remind them of somebody else.
You never know why, and you can't question it,
you just kind of go with it, and say,
'Thanks, I'm glad it's happening.'"--Rob

"I write about people who left me for good
reason or no reason. It would be cathartic if
I was learning from it, but I keep making the same mistakes."--Rob

"I used to do a lot of hitchhiking. I had my little
keyboard with me in my backpack, I'd pull it out
and sit there and work on some tunes.
I'd spend a lot of time at three o'clock in the morning,
sitting for hours."--Rob

"If I have to have controversy, I want to hear that
it's that I fucked Courtney Love in a bathroom in a
Texaco in Alabama or something like that.
Something that sounds like fun.
The rest of it is no good."--Rob

"Critics don't like us because there's nothing for them
to latch onto and write about. No one in the band is
dying from a heroin addiction.
We're just out there playing."--Kyle Cook

"Don't just hear it...feel it."--Kyle

"What does it take to be a superhero?
I don't know, I'm just out there playing
my music and enjoying the songs."--Kyle

"We've just believed in out music enough that
we hope it embraces everyone. If we like what
we're doing enough, and we're proud of what we're doing,
we hope that everyone will respond in the same way.
That's the key ingredient in this band."--Adam Gaynor

"I have a tendency to write songs about people or myself
who hide things, and they're afraid to put things out there.
They're afraid to tell people what they really think."--Paul Doucette

"If words and music tick you off,
then you're the one who's sick."
From "Holy Smoke" by the Mighty Mighty BossToneS

"I didn't really have that much fun in high school…
that whole teenage era for me,
I would not repeat it if I was paid a million dollars.
I'm glad I went through it and it contributed to what
I am as a person and for that I am grateful.
But I would never want to go back to that time.
And I hope one day I will be able to look back on
it with some positive feelings, but right now, I can't.
I don't have very many positive feelings about school in general."

"People have always said I was an old soul.
They said I was always a little more intense
and introspective than everyone was used to
seeing girls be, so they didn't know where to categorize me."

"I want to walk though life instead of being dragged through it."

"I was very much a perfectionist, over-achieving mindset.
And anyone will tell you if you have that,
you are going to be letting yourself down all the time."

"...I'm not scared people might hear these records.
I never did Playboy centerfolds. There's nothing I regret.
Maybe people will just understand my lyrics a little more
if they hear those records. It validates this record (Jagged Little Pill)."

"Most of the songs are in a roundabout way actually
addressed to myself… there's a certain aspect of the songs
that's very confessional, very unadulterated.
I wrote some of the songs and woke up the next day not
even remembering I'd done them…
almost like a stream of consciousness.
It was a very unfettered, spiritual experience."

"I've been told a few times now that I don't look like my songs.
People expect me to have purple hair and a pierced nose and boobs.
Then they meet me, and I'm just... me.
I hate to let anyone down, but I'm not the cleavage
sort of aesthetic babe. I've been down that road before,
and that's not what I'm about."

"I think Pamela Anderson is attractive... in a cartoon sense.
She reminds me of my Sindy doll (the British Barbie).
I want to play with her. I mean, I bet she's got no pubic hair."

"My first wish is for the complete and total destruction
of the Spice Girls. I want them ritually humiliated in the streets.
I want them tarred and feathered.
I can't stand the fact that they've tied themselves to the flag of 'girl power'
while all the time being managed by men, written for my men,
and manipulated by men. As far as I can see,
they've done not one tiny thing for 'girl power.'"

Shirley on Natalie Imbruglia: "In all those videos,
it's 'Oh, I look so beautiful and wouldn't you like to fuck me?'
God knows she is beautiful, but you know full well that she
wouldn't be as great a shag as Courtney (Love). Hoo hoo hoo!"

"It makes me feel good when someone says I sing my heart out.
That's what music's about--freedom.

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