Avatar: Espionage - Online Comic



real name: Erin
online names: Froggy, Froggy-chan, SpacefrogMe - Engaging in my fave pastime...coffee comsumption!
roleplaying characters: Robin
Me - Anthro Froggy Formage: 19
height: about 5 foot 7
weight: about 120 lbs
hair: dark brown with a red tint and currently blond streaks
eyes: greenish-greyish-brownish
skin: light average
B-day: Oct 23
passions and hobbies: writing, reading, music, drawing animé and Gorillaz-styled, making web pages, hanging with friends, big stereos and lots of bass.
occupation: laundry girl for two more weeks
general personality: friendly, honest, artistic, immature, hyperactive, disorganized, obsessive, absent-minded Me - attempting to be cute...*gag*
best 'Net friends: Torch, Gypsy, qmfd, Laurie
best 'real life' friends: Cory-Lynn, Eric, Christine
other: Due to some major life changes, I'm movin' to Vancouver and in with Eric (Torch). I'm currently into some major comics, one online (unnamed as of yet, but Eric's helping me with it) and one in real life in print (Avatar). Expect more news on those later. :) I love music with lots of bass and a little rap, trucks, and boys who wear jewellry! *wink*

Well, that's about all there is about me. I guess I'm just your average teenage girl. *shrugs* Oh well. Back to check out the page! Love you!

"Coffee is the truth that's out there..." - Digi

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Eric GrinningMe and Eric