Avatar: Espionage - Online Comic


Hi, welcome to the writings gallery! Here you'll find some of my originals as well as my fanfictions. Enjoy! I'm hoping to upload more originals as I complete them.



Grade School Speed Freak
Originals/Song/G/Complete ~ Song written about having ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). My online friend Star Dragon came up with the title (Ritalin, used for ADD sufferers, is related to speed) and I came up with the lyrics. Click here for mp3 but please don't burn or use it for anthing other than just listening on your own computer, thanks. It's my singing. *blush*

Originals/Song/G/Complete ~ Song written for and about my boyfriend, Eric. Written entirely by myself. Click here for mp3 (same conditions as on Grade School Speed Freak).

In The Distance (Invaderz!)
Originals/Drama/PG-13/Incomplete ~ Long story (currently stored on FanFiction.net) that was written partly by me and partly by some friends. Excellent story which will end up being VERY long.

The Alien
Originals/Mystery/G/Complete ~ A very short story with a twist at the end. If you can figure out what happens, please email me...this fic could almost be a test on strange perspective...

Originals/Romance/G/Complete ~ Another short fic, written about a young alien girl coming home to see her childhood best friend after some tragedies in her life.



The Saga of Odd Rocket
Pokémon/Comedy/PG/Complete ~ Long, weird story where me and my best friend stick ourselves unceremoniously in the Pokémon universe as Odd Rocket, a 'special' division of Team Rocket. We proceed to help Team Rocket steal a MewTwo from some interesting people...

Team Rocket
Pokémon/Comedy/G/Complete ~ A short fic starring Team Rocket as...the good guys.

Ranma Nibun no Ichi/Drama/PG/Complete ~ Ranma makes a stupid bet with Shampoo, and Mousse ends up suffering the consequences.

Can't Go Back
Ranma Nibun no Ichi/Angst/PG/Complete ~ Mousse and Shampoo have a fight and both of them end up regretting it.

The Game
Ranma Nibun no Ichi/Soliloquy/G/Complete ~ What's really going on in Shampoo's head? What's the real reason she hates Mousse?

The Secret
Ranma Nibun no Ichi/Drama/G/Complete ~ Shampoo has a little secret to tell Mousse...

She Who Protects
Ranma Nibun no Ichi/Angst/PG/Complete ~ After the discovery of the pigtailed girl's true identity, Kuno considers suicide. He's saved by the last person you'd expect...or is it obvious who she is?

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