Mia's Family

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This Is A Dove Of Love
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My Mom & I

September 3, 1999 - Wells Beach, ME

I don't even know where to begin
to express my gratitude
and love for all that you have given me.
You are not only my mother
but one of my best friends.
Whenever, I have a problem or just feel like talking
I know that I can come to you.
We have been though so much together
but somehow through it all we always end up on top.
You have been there for me
when I needed someone to take my anger out on
and were a soft loving shoulder for me to cry on.
I may be "grown-up" now
but no matter how old I get
I'll always be your baby.
We may not see each other everyday
but you are always in my thoughts.

I love you, Mom.

This is dedicated to my mom, whom I love with all my heart
And then to someone who I know as Mom2, who has helped me out a lot
By being there to listen to me when I needed someone to listen
She has also helped me out with so much on this web page!!!
Without her helping me, it wouldn't look this good
Thank you, Prudie!!!!
Moms are extraordinary people
They are there from the very start
To change every diaper and dry every tear
Not anyone could be a mom
It takes a loving and caring person
Who has patience to get you through the good and bad times
They have a heart of gold
Even if they are upset with you or disappointed in you…
They try not to show it, though
Loving you for all you are
We all know where some of the best hugs come from…
They are there to listen to you whenever you need them
They may not know all the answers to life's problems…
But they would never let you know that

When you come home from school crying because the kids were mean to you
She may be angry and mad at them for hurting her baby…
But she does not tell you that, she just wipes away the tears…
And sends you off to play
They make thier famous cookies that just seem to taste better then any other cookie you've had
They seem to always know when you are upset or what you are thinking
How do they do that?
They also know just what you like and the very things that piss you off
Even though we would never admit it we all love our moms
And would not know what to do without them
So think of today as if it were the last time you'd see her and tell her that you love her

-Mia Xuan Ho-December 1999

Joe Rogers and I

September 3, 1999 - Wells Beach, ME

Twelve years ago,
we met for the first time.
It was during a time of mass confusion for me.
I treated you like crap,
but that didn't discourage you,
you stuck with me.
Thank you!!
You are the only father, I have known during these years.
I know that you would do anything for me.
We may not be related, by blood,
but you have always treated me as if I was your own.
We have had our up's and down's
but through it all you have been there for me
during the good times and the bad,
just as "I" have been for you.
If there were one thing that I could say
to you, it would be:
Thank You for being there for me
and filling in the father role,
making my life more rounded and balanced.
In the beginning I wasn't so sure
but you make my mom happy
and that's all that matters.
If she is happy then I'm happy...
I love you.

To both of you,
Thank you for all of your love and support
through the years.
It means the world to me.

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