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Fundraising Idea Collection

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Page updated: June 8, 2001

Fund-Raising Reports: June 6, 2001

This page consist of notes from fundraising meetings and cut and paste searches of the net for ideas. This page started because I wanted to keep all my information in one place. As I loose paper and do not have extensive space for paper storage, this web page became the perfect storage space. Isn't our goal a paperless society?

Web Momma

Cookie dough sales….

No information from the representative is available so we should table it until we have more information. This is a good activity just before Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday when families need quick goodies for the holidays.

50/50 Raffle…

We have applied for and obtained permission to conduct the 50/50 raffles. We will be posting sign up sheet at meeting and practice to get volunteer parents to sell tickets. We could double our take per game if we had more volunteers.

Individual Fundraising:

Coaches will announce pop drive, bike- a -thon, car washes during the summer so the cheerleaders can help raise money. The girls will have some individual accounting for their expenditures set up so they can earn money to offset their camp costs.

Bike a thon : All girls ride 10 mile; they collect pledges prior to the ride for family and friends; then turn the money in afterwards. Date to be decided on

Car Wash:

Dates to be announced Permission has been obtained from Burger King. It was suggested that the girls also get pledges from sponsors so they can also earn money from that. A donation/tip jar will also be available. Poster and advertising will have to be arranged. Parents/ adults have to be present at all times. Appropriate school dress is required. ( Swim suits must be covered!)

Panther man:

Beauty contest for the “boys!” A booster parent reported on her phone interviews with other schools who have done this as a fund- raiser. A “talent” demonstration was made by the boy who is entered, they are asked silly questions, tuxedo walk/parade. The students would then be judged. The boys would probably have to win a prize beside his crown. We will need the support of the school and staff. We would earn money by paid nominations and selling tickets to the beauty contest.

We discussed the costs and consideration of using the school building to host any activities. Candy sales:

Brand named candy in kits. Does good during the summer months since no one else is selling. Anticipate over $1000 profit if every girl sells one kit. There can be no return of candy. It must be sold or we would make no profit.



“A” section …. $120/day (most desirable) for non- profit booth

“B” section …. $90/day

“C” section …. $80/day

Sell food/ drink, balloons, craft items “Honorary West Cheerleader” t-shirts (The rest can be sold at CHEER CLINIC) pom-pons, the freebie novelty items coach was given, etc ANY THING WE CAN THING OF APPOPRIATE FOR THE OCCASION. Donation cups will be available. Need to think of ideas for the booth.

The cheerleaders will be performing after the parade. They probably will be expected to do demonstrations near the booth and be in the parade. There will be a sign up sheet and everyone is expected to work the booths for a 3 to 4 hour shift.

Parents/ Adult need to be present from:

10 am until 9pm … all days… ( till 7pm on Sunday)

Cheer Clinic:

Need to advertise because notes are not sent out by all schools.
Made over $1000 that one day.
Most of the cheerleaders really enjoy this day.
Price increase: $20 lunch included

    Plan to add other activities at stations
  • Cheer related arts and craft activities

  • Face painting / temporary tattoos,
  • kid-crafts items to sell WEST/ Panther Themes
  • (scrunchies, neck warmers, pillow cases, gift bags for Xmas, jewelery, friendship bracelets thing the girls would like.. )
  • old uniforms and pom-pons
  • paint pumpkins if close to Halloween.

New ideas that may be of use during Cheer Clinic:

Poloroid Pictures in (old) cheerleading costumes, sell for $2-$3. I am a pretty good photographer Film cost about $1 per picture.

Cheer coloring books we made get drawing from the cheerleaders and/or black & white clip art (I have a lot of graphic cDs.) Sell them for double the cost of production. About $2.00
Office Max: 5 cent per copy 20 pages


We did this as a previous fundraiser.

We Xeroxed 32+ pages at 5 cents each ($2.00 cost) We sold it for $5.00 at our after school enrichment clinic for kids.



Some of the original work is published on my first web page:

Elba Seaton Cheer Collection

Nutrition information
Exercises for kids……

Everything was very basic and written to fifth grade reading level. I modeled the book after several books I had purchased from coaches corner.

Tips sheets..... how to make the team Have the girls write a small tip on what they think is important to do at try-out or as a cheerleader. They could then sign it.

I have more information I collected since then from the Internet.
Include an internet links page for cheerleading in the book.

Everything was very basic and written to fifth grade reading level. I modeled the book after several books I had purchased from Coaches Corner.

My daughter modeled correct cheerleading stances/ exercises and was included in it. We could have the girls re-do the pictures.

Sale of items:

Homecoming Game: ???face tattoos / painting???

Football mums

Sale of flowers

Holiday items

Booth at the craft show: (new idea)

$45.00 usually free to student groups

Juried crafts need okay, from CRAFT SHOW ORGANIZERS … No vendor stuff

Sell poinsettias from WOJOs or Perkins sell for $5-10 above their fundraising selling prices (special deals.)

Neat idea: Tall glass jar / has special glass cap, a houseplant grows in water in the jar, a small fish swims in the jar, the neck of the jar is decorated with coordinated ribbons and floral arrangement. Cost less than $10.00 to make. Sold for $20 to $ 30

Or bake goods …… fresh baked Italian pizzels… like elephant ears… could have pre-baked in bundles to sell and make fresh for eating…Should not conflict with Project Graduation or the other student groups…..

WEST Theme stuff might be a good seller… I bought the cutest neck warmer and scarf set make out of polar fleece. I made some for Christmas 2 yards x $16.00 gave me 5 scarves and neck warmers. Old Navy sold scarves for $10 last year and mine were nicer.

Host Chinese raffle / gift basket…. Get donated items from business (like gift basket idea) …. Put a glass jar next to the item to collect votes/ tickets. Sell tickets $1.00 per 2 or 3 chances. The customer fills out the name, address, phone number. Then puts the ticket into the glass jar. Names are then drawn out then they win the prize. Do Not have to be there to win. Prizes are mailed/ UPS to the person if they can not collect it from the school. Last year I won a “movie basket” with popcorn, 6 pack of pop, a new release video and Movie tickets.

Host cake walk at the craft show

School Dance: No function is scheduled between Thanksgiving and Christmas…… reinstitue the "Christmas ball." Need to consider overtime for janitors. We would have to arrange the DJs. Supply chaperones etc. Goodies to serve, etc

“Lottery”/ Tiered Prizes:

Purchase a chance get an envelope turn in with the address, when you buy your tickets. Winnings are then mailed to you directly. Very little work for the sellers but a lot of work for the organizers who have to balance the books. Need to sell $1000 tickets to make a profit. Main Boosters use to have raffles and they sold $1000 of tickets readily. Most families are familiar with lotteries and raffles. Need a gaming license. The girls/ families would have to sell 18-20 tickets.

Fashion show/ Prom Dress Exchange:

Still needs information from Grand Blanc. Discussed with Centerline. Need to get together with other schools. Cross exchange dress because no one want to wear a dress a friend wore last year. Do it up big tuxedo booths to arrange tuxedos.

“Serve and English tea / luncheon” during the fashion show. Need to find stores that will allow dresses to be modeled.

Gift Basket/ Silent Auction/"Slave or Bachelor" Auction

Could also have gift basket silent auction and slave auction at this or another function.
(chili / spaghetti dinner, during the fashion show etc.)

Slave Auction:

Adult for supervision/ group of cheerleader auction off their services. Clean house, baby sit, weed a garden, paint a room ( new faux tech can be done by anyone) The girls would have to be responsible and be willing to work hard. Age appropriate tasks.

Silent Auction/ Gift Baskets:

Used by: Call of the Wild / Lapeer Horticulture Club/ and other organizations. Best done within another activity.

Collect donated items from businesses can take a long time to organize and procure. Make up themed baskets and nice displays of small inexpensive items. Big ticket items can stand alone. Bidding sheets are placed in front of the items. (A minimum bid should be assigned to each item about 1/ 2 of the original value. Donator should tell you the value: Garden Bench Retails at $100; opening bid would be $40 to $50.00. The bidding would continue for 1-2 hours then closed. Items are brought to the judge’s table and winners are announced. They then pay for their prize and take it home.

Money is made by us: Original ticket for entrance to the event. Not paying for the original items up for auction. With the gift basket you group like items, so the expense could be kept low. The girls could also donate stuff kids like.

“Side-line Kingdom “

Special chair is put at the side line to observe the game in comfort. Tickets are sold and drawn. Winner sits on the side line and the cheer leaders serve him through the game with special treats. Get and pay for his food and drinks. Special cheer in his/ her honor. Just make this a desirable / funny activity.

Panther Classic……(host competition)

Inadequate facilities at West but might be able to do the concession stand at sister school.

Silverdome / Lions Games and Special Events:

One Monday night and Thanksgiving
Time: all day affair start 9am for one o’clock game
Volunteers Will need to be trained.

Provide service people.
One booth 12- 14 people.
Must be 15years of age.
Family event: students and parents.

Make about $500-$600 per game. Hockey made over $23,000 last year. (take = 11%) Tips/ donations Can decorate the booths.

Contract must be signed. Assign a less desirable location,to start, but if we are organized, have the workers and do well, we can get a better booth.

The Basic Ways

  • *Car Wash- wash cars
  • *Candy Sales- sell candy
  • *Garage Sale- sell all those old things
  • *Black top Sales-Flea Market
    Sell Space on the parking lot and allow others to sell thier stuff
    Need school's permission
  • *Bake Sale- bake and sell cookies and stuff
  • *Candle Sale- sell scented candles
  • *Bucket Drop- stand at a store and get donations
  • *Gift Wrap Table at a store for Holidays
  • *Sell off Old Unforms
  • *Make a Recipe Book
  • *Hold a Cheer Competition for Local groups
  • *Sell Doughnuts
  • *Sell Fruit
  • *Hold a Raffle
  • *Host a Dinner
  • *with the basic ones you can combine 2, 3 or more of them together and make a big day of it!!!


(Pledges= $ per item, Like .25cents per pin, or $2.00 per goal kicked, etc.) Get as many different Pledges as you can.

Walk/Jog -A-Thon: Take pledges for laps or miles that you run, set a time limit, like 1-2 hours depending on how many people are doing it.

Jump-A-Thon: Take pledges for how many jumps you do, set time limits...

Kick-A-Thon: Take pledges for how many footballs you kick through the goal. Set time Limits for each person depending on how many are doing it.

Bowl-A-Thon: Make a deal with your local Lanes and then take Pledges on how many pins you knock down in one game.

Skate-A-Thon: make a deal with your local Skate Rink, and then get pledges on how many laps you make around the rink or how many hours you skate.

Rock-A-Thon: Make a deal with a local store that is open 24 hours. Set up an area you can be seen. Get pledges to start for how many hours you can Rock, and while you are there get donations for customers while they watch everyone rocking in their rocking chairs. Dress-A-Thon: Take pledges on how many pieces of clothing you can put on your body the right way in a minute or two. You have a huge pile of clothes all shapes and sizes and go at it, 4-5 people at a time. Car Wash-A-Thon: Sell car wash tickets ahead of time, with cost, date, place and time printed on them. Selling them is the thon, set prizes for the most tickets sold. Like they don't have to wash cars, if they sell over a set amount, use you own imagination!!!!!!!

Other Great Ideas:

Have A Cheer Clinic: You can have a one day or a week long cheer clinic for kids 5-13, Teach them the basics of Cheering, like cheers, chants, motions, jumps, dance, and basic stunting. If you have qualified help, you could teach some tumbling. Set a price, advertise at all the local schools, daycare centers and anyplace else that will draw a crowd. Sell pre-registration at a discount, and you will be able to see about how many will come. Try to plan it for a weekend, or while there is no school. Give awards at the end of camp like certificates or goodies. Everyone should get something to remind them of the good time they had!!! If you treat them great, they will come back again. Have several camps at different times of the year. You could even make a Cheer Craft gift to give each person. Good planning will make for a Great Cheer Clinic!!!

Have A School Dance: Get with the school and set up a school dance, the night of a big Pep Rally, Have a DJ and sell drinks, baked goods, chips and pizza. Charge to get in the door. Set a theme. Put limits on ages or grades of the kids!!! Set up some contests and/or games. Make it a Fun time for all. Advertise through out the schools.

Fashion Show & Auction: Have one person or committee oversee everything for better organization. Charge an admisision fee like $10.00 per adult and $5.00 per child. Have each person on team and parent(s), get one store that sells clothes, to let you model their clothes(get several things from each store 4+) at the Fashion show, get parents involved. You should have a minimum of 10 different stores. Put in some Skits and Dances and give away a few small door prizes in between the sets of clothes. Have an announcer with note cards and have some one run background music. . Have a half time Auction- For the auction get other local businesses to donation stuff like: the hotel gives a one-night stay, a restraunt gives dinner for two,the golf course gives a free round of golf, put them together to make a gift basket and auction it off to the highest bidder. make up lots of different Baskets, like Kids baskets, Sun and fun Baskets, Auto repair Baskets, Teen Baskets, Sports Package Baskets, and just whatever you can get!! This can be an excellant money maker if it is done right. Advertising and organization are the keys.

Sponsor Shirts: Get the Team to go out and get Sponsors and you can put them all on the back of a T-Shirt with the Team logo/info on the front, only enough for team, coaches and if parents want to buy them. How to do sponsors: $1000 from a single sponsor -they get shirts made with just their name on the back... a $25 sponsor gets one line on the shirt , a $50 gets two lines, and so on...... A line would be enough space to put a name. If you get enough sponsors you will have enough t-shirts for practices, trips and school extra stuff.

Day-Care or Parents Night Out: On any Holiday, like Valentine's Day have a babysitting service, You can have a massive sit together. Make it a party for the kids. Use the holiday as a theme, Like: at X-Mas you can have Santa come in, for Halloween have a safe treat night, and so on this idea can raise money all year long....

Start You Own Pee Wee Squad: If you cheer for an upper school, start a pee wee cheer squad, Meet once a week, teach them the basic cheers you use, let them cheer with you at 1-2 games a month. and charge a monthly fee to be on the squad.

Waitress/Waiter for a Night: Get with a local restraunts and set aside server nite... You are the staff and you get all the tips made.

Discount Book or Card: Get your local business to allow you to do like 10% off, or buy 2 get 1 free, and so on put them together to make a book or card and sell them for $5.00 or $10.00 depending on how many business you get to help out.

Fundraising Ideas Let's Make Some Money!

One great fundraiser our school came up with is a Cheer-A-Thon:

We go to our local football stadium and cheer as long as we can. We have local companies and families sponsor us for so much money an hour (approximately $20 per hour.) Last year we had girls there for 25 hours! If you stop cheering, you have to drop out. Everybody loves this and they come support us. We always set up a refreshment table so people will come support us.


Here's a great idea for a fundraiser that my squad did called a "rock-a-thon. "We asked a local church if they would be willing to let us use one of their sanctuaries and a TV. Each girl brought her own rocking chair and we rocked the night away! We got pledges from businesses and friends pledge money per hour of solid rocking. We rocked all night eating Pizza, Pop-corn, and watching good movies!

Basket of Cheer

A really great fundraising idea that makes a lot of money is to raffle off a "basket of cheer." Have each cheerleader buy or ask for donations of five or more items that have to do with your school's mascot. This can be anything such as figurines, t-shirts, license plates, magnets, stuffed animals, and season tickets for the next sport's season. Then place the items in a large decorative basket and wrap it with plastic and top it with a large bow. Hold a raffle for the basket charging $3 - $5 per ticket. You are sure to make a lot of money!

Car Wash Pledge

We made a pledge sheet for each girl, who asked 30 people each to make a .05 cent pledge. We then set a goal to wash 100 cars. After the car wash (which was completely free) the girls collected $5.00 from each person on their pledge list. So each girl made $150.00! There are no products to pedal, and instead of making a couple hundred dollars, our squad raised over $4,000.! Not bad for a day's work!

Our Drill Team sold "Hat Passes". This worked at our school because the students are not allowed to wear hats to school. They paid $5 for a hat pass and they got to wear a hat for the week. The hat pass had to be visible. This was pure profit- no up front cost. Just get the admin. to approve. jj has tons of fundraising links available. You're bound to find something you like there. K12 A fundraiser that worked WELL for me was we did a love test fundraiser. All teachers passed out a questionaire to all the students. We sent the questionaire in and each student was given 2 top 10 sheets of people in their grade and in the whole school of whom they were most compatible with. We sold the results at lunch for a dollar.

Cheer Place


NCA Cheer

Mrs. Pinapple's Web Page


For my school we also sell tattoo stickers of like are mascot (pirate are something related to are mascot like a ship or something) We also sell little pom poms with are school colors and flags so if that helps any let me know (cheerangel3)

I found a few sites where you can order temporary tattoo paper for your printer or copy machine. I don't know why you couldn't make your own designs on the computer then print them on this paper and sell them. If you don't want to order online, you might check with some office supply places in your town or city. Here's the URL's to order the paper: Decal on Yahoo

California Tattoo (temporary)

For everyone wondering about those tattoos . You can order certain mascots and sayings through many cheer catalogs..i am pretty sure Dehens offers them to order. their website is


also another idea is that if you school has a carnival to ask if you are able to host a booth and whatever profits go to your squad. also if you are tired of selling the regular chocolate try selling rice krispies treats. hope that helps.! CheerBabyLT

Hi, I just received an email about a new fundraising idea. It's an Internet Newsstand, where they set up a Web site for your squad and you give people the URL. From your site people can order magazine subscriptions and the team gets a percentage. It doesn't cost the squad anything to do it, so it might be worth a try. You can find out more about here (click on the Friends Who Give Internet Newsstand Link)

Cheerleading About.Com Fundraising Page


Auction/ silent auction/ gift baskets….

Get donations from person and business… small items pooled into theme baskets ie bath/body, movie/video night, gift certificates.

One chance kickoff/ shoot off……. Playoffs prior to a BIG game/ payment $5-10 for a chance; can purchase more than one chance . Winner from play off get to try to make a goal at a BIG GAME in front of an audience for a big prize / part of the purse. ( Like Million $ shots at hockey or basketball game. )

great information sites for PTA / PTO ..... might save us some work and from mistakes PTO TODAY PTO TODAY

Scrip signup / real store shopping ..... GREAT LAKES SCRIPT CENTER . ...... out of Grand Rapids...... 1-800-727-4715 Great Lake Scrips.Com

Santa Breakfast>>>>>> babysit kid while parents go shoping give them breakfast, have Santa’s helpers there/ visit with Santa take pictures do crafts. Reasonable fee.





Hello I am a teacher and I am also an Avon Representative. We have a fundraiser project which is very easy. Students will pass around a flyer with Christmas Ornaments or just everyday ornaments. Each purchase you will get $2.00 out of them. They run I think 6.00. It is less distracting than selling candy, plus it might get you a better profit. If you are interested please call me at 858-271-4406 Barbara Check with local AVON reps and see if there is some sort of deal going on for education!!!

CAKE WALKS: Another Idea for CRAFT FAIR....... CAKE WALKS. All you would need are delicious cakes / a room and a tape player.

Numbers are placed on the floor ie 1-25. Payment $ 1.00 per chance. Everyone walks around during the music being played., then stops on a number. A number is drawn and whoever is on that number wins a cake to take home. Cake should be packaged to sell and noone will not get pans back. Cake boxes should be available.

FROM I VILLAGE CHAT BOARD: What about having the kids on the teams "do" kids birthday parties? Say for $100 3 athletes, cheerleaders, or drama, choir whatever come run a birthday party... they supply the pizza and cake and maybe soda and handle the kids by teaching them their special thing. You are looking at about $75 profit for each party.

Another idea would be leaf raking... or just rent a kid $10 per hour... do it one weekend and try to get the ad to run on the local cable community page. I think the more we include the whole community the better.... not always hitting the same pockets! I do have more ideas but am way! Hope these are something you could work with! Courtney

Cheer America's Favorite Funrading Company


National School Cookbooks 800-426-9827

Raising Funds 800-233-2374

Safe Fundraising 800.352-2643

Ideas from fellow spirit leaders:

I'm sure you know about bake sales, and to much of people's surprise, they do work. The secret is.........the goodies have to be home made! Trust me it works every time. Also, local pizza parlors in your area might donate a percentage of their sales between certain hours. During these hours tell everyone you know, and make flyers, give them to your school athletic teams (especially football players)! You could also try a car wash/rummage sale, but I don't know what the weather is like where you live.

One fundraiser we did that really worked was asking Sonic to sponsor us. My squad worked at Sonic for a day as the waitress people that bring you your food. We had signs out in the parking lot and were in uniform the whole time. All the tips that we made went right to our squad.

Yeah bake sales are a terrific idea as well as car washes. Our squad also held a spaghetti dinner in which we raised $1,000. Another great and fun thing is holding your own camp. Each year we have a one day camp for elementary school age kids. The turnout is crazy, well over 100 little girls. Each cheerleader and even alumni got together a group of recipes. We put them together in a cute little book along with some pictures of current and past squads. It only cost about $4 to make and we sold them each for $10.

SAVE THE PLANET AND RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR CHEER TEAM! Looking for new ideas for your cheerleading team to make money? Want to help the planet at the same time? Well, there is a very easy way you can do this. How you might be asking yourself. Well, it is very simple. RECYCLING SODA CANS! Everyone knows that recycling is a great way to help our planet and also a good way to get some money back. So if you are looking for a new and creative way to raise some money, why not collect soda cans and bottles from houses in your town. Hey, every little cent helps! So the next time your team needs a little extra money, help out your team and community by recycling cans!

If it is one thing that comes in the way of success it is money. Cheerleaders are always looking for new ways to raise money for competitions as well as things like uniforms, camp, and extras. But we all know selling candy and wrapping paper is getting old. So for all of you that are into new ways of making some extra cash, this is for you. You now people are always saying "I'd pay to see that!" , well this is the time to test them out. All you need to do is get together all the cheerleaders and a team of your choice for a little show down. It would be like a mini can even make some of the events really funny-like maybe a pie eating contest! Now the other team against the cheerleaders should be a team that people would want to come see a competition between. Maybe this could be the football team, the girls basketball team, the kickliners, or even maybe another cheerleading team form a nothing school. It is a good way to prove who is best at the same time as having fun and making money! So the next time you want to settle a rivalry, why not make money at the same time! cheers and more / fundraising

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