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Oberski & Schefka Genealogy
Tombstones - Page 1

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The thumbnails are numbered with a corresponding description.  The description will contain the name on the tombstone along with a relationship and burial location if & when they are known.  If birth/death dates and/or any tombstone inscription is difficult to interpret on the photos, it will also be included in the description.   

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1.& 2.  John M. Oborski - my great, great grandfather - died 1898 - section 5
3.        Minnie Oborski - I believe this is my great, great grandmother, wife of John M. Oborski - died 1897 - section 5
4.        John S. Oborski - eldest son of John M. Oborski - inscription "Mary his wife" - section 5
5.        Xavir Oborski - son of John S. Oborski & Mary Wrubel - born 1891, died 1924 - section 6

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6.        Leonard Oberski - my great grandfather - second son of John M. Oborski - born 1847, died 1928 - section 6
7.        Susan (Woytalowicz) Oborska  - my great grandmother - first wife of Leonard Oberski - daughter of John & Eva
           Woytalowiscz - died 1877 - section 5
8.        Leo Oberski - my grandfather - eldest son of Leonard Oberski & Susan Woytalowicz - section 4 
9.        Lucy (Czeszewski) Oberski - my grandmother - wife of Leo Oberski - daughter of John Czeszewski & Gertrude
           Kloska - section 4

10.annagm2.jpg (34608 bytes)    11.albert.jpg (40508 bytes)    12.loraine.jpg (36491 bytes) 

10.      Stanley & Anna (Oberski) Susalla - daughter of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski - section 4
11.      Albert & Gertrude (Kucharczyk) Oberski - Albert, son of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski - section 3
12.      Loraine Oberski - daughter of Albert Oberski & Gertrude Kucharczyk - born 1937, died 1938 - section 5

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13.      Roman & Irene (Schefka) O'Berski - my parents - Roman, son of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski - 
           Irene, daughter of Frank Schefka & Rosa Pyrek - section 4
14.      Gary J. O'Berski - son of Roman O'Berski & Irene Schefka - buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Roscommon, MI

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15.      Sylvester Wodwaska - husband of Isabella Oberski - Isabella, daughter of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski - 
           section 8
16.      Arnold M. Wodwaska - son of Sylvester Wodwaska & Isabella Oberski - section 8
17.      Izedore "Zig" & Rita (Grifka) Oberski - Izedore, son of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski 
18.      Izedore Oberski - back of tombstone showing veteran marker & names of children - section 8

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19.    Theodore & Irene (Oberski) Lamke - daughter of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski
20.    Theodore & Irene (Oberski) Lamke - back of tombstone showing names of children - section 8
21.      Adam & Lucille (Lamke) Paionk - daughter of Theodore Lamke & Irene Oberski 
22.      David  & Mildred (Bezemek) Oberski - son of Leo Oberski & Lucy Czeszewski 
23.      David & Mildred (Bezemek) Oberski - back of tombstone showing names of children - section 8

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