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Oberski & Schefka Genealogy
Tombstones - Page 4

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The thumbnails are numbered with a corresponding description.  The description will contain the name on the tombstone along with a relationship and burial location if & when they are known.  If birth/death dates and/or any tombstone inscription is difficult to interpret on the photos, it will also be included in the description. 

1.gppyrekgrmkr.jpg (18100 bytes)    2.grmpyrekgrmkr.jpg (26597 bytes)    3.caspergm.jpg (15817 bytes)    4.romanbrazar.jpg (15638 bytes)

1.    Joseph Pyrek - my great grandfather - father of Rosa Pyrek who married Frank Schefka - inscription
       "Prepare to meet me  in heaven" - section 7
2.    Mary Pyrek - my great grandmother - daughter of Joseph Bureiza & Frances Buchna - married to
       Joseph Pyrek - section 7
3.    Casper & Josephine (Gomoluch) Brazar - Casper, son of Joseph Bureiza & Frances Buchna - section 3
4.    Roman Brazar - son of Casper Brazar & Josephine Gomoluch - died 1957 - section 7

5.grandmasgm.jpg (30664 bytes)    6.johnpyrekgm.jpg (15679 bytes)    7.victpyrekgm.jpg (19726 bytes)    8.angelinep.jpg (12209 bytes)

5.     Rose (Pyrek) Schefka - daughter of Joseph Pyrek & Mary Bureiza - section 7  
6.     John Pyrek - son of Joseph Pyrek & Mary Bureiza - section 2
7.     Victoria (Palach) Pyrek - wife of John Pyrek - section 2
8.     Angeline (Glaza) Pyrek - wife of Isadore Pyrek who is the son of John Pyrek & Victoria Palach - section 7

9.kashagm.jpg (18369 bytes)    10.richjeanette.jpg (16207 bytes)    11.glazagm.jpg (10548 bytes)    12.sobczak.jpg (26347 bytes)

9.      John & Catherine (Pyrek) Goniwiecha - Catherine, daughter of Joseph Pyrek & Mary Bureiza - born 1893
         - section 3
10.    Richard P. & Jeanette C. (Susalla) Goniwiecha - Richard, son of John Goniwiecha & Catherine Pyrek 
         - section 8
11.    John J. & Gertrude (Pyrek) Glaza - Gertrude, daughter of Joseph Pyrek & Mary Bureiza - section 7
12.    Leonard F. & Beatrice E. (Glaza) Sobczak - Beatrice, daughter of John J. Glaza & Gertrude Pyrek - section 7

  13.efishergm.jpg (13521 bytes)    14.cfishsergm.jpg (13914 bytes)    15.jpartakagm.jpg (13823 bytes)    16.edptkagm.jpg (17746 bytes) 

13.    Edna C. (Glaza) Fisher - daughter of John J. Glaza & Gertrude Pyrek - section 7
14.    Clements A. Fisher - husband of Edna C. Glaza
15.    John & Isabella A. (Danielski) Partaka - grandson of Joseph Bureiza & Frances Buchna - section 3
16.    Eddie J. Partaka - son of John Partaka & Isabella Danielski - section 3

17.p&rparakgm.jpg (43465 bytes)    18.tparakgm.jpg (37587 bytes)    19.mparakgm.jpg (34889 bytes)

17.    Peter & Rose C. Parak -  unsure of relationship - section 1
18.    Theodore Parak - unsure of relationship - section 1
19.    Martin Parak - unsure of relationship - section 1

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