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Grand Master Samuel S. Yarbrough, Jr.
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Deputy Grand Master Walter C. Griffin, Jr.
R. W. Deputy Grand Master
Grand Senior Warden Arthur L. Turner
R. W. Grand Senior Warden
Grand Junior Warden Roland Broadus
R. W. Grand Junior Warden
Grand Treasurer William A. Pritchard
R. W. Grand Treasurer
Grand Secretary Murray Adams, Jr.
R.W. Grand Secretary


Grand Lecturer Marvin O. Lewis
R. W. Grand Lecturer
Senior Deacon Clarence Round, Jr.
W. Grand Senior Deacon
Michael Johnson
W. Grand Junior Deacon
Ezekiel Johnson
W. Grand Marshal
James L. Gibson
Grand Trustee

Trustee 2-Year Theodore M. Burrows
Grand Trustee
Trustee-1 year Anthony Flagg, Jr.
Grand Trustee

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