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July 16 2002
I think I should start writing in this thing at night, because then I will probably have more to say. Oh well.

My mom made me watch "Shallow Hal" with her last night. Next time, I wanna pick the movie!

So I discovered a new species of insect, not that any of you care. It turns out that the last new species that I discovered was already discovered, but I can not find anything remotely similar to this new insect online. The truth is, I haven't looked yet, but I'm sure that I'm the first one to discover it!

I'm wondering why there are people (or a person) out there who can build computers, but could never make me a gameboy. grrr...

My cat scares me. He sleeps with his eyes open now. He has some really nasty cuts on his neck, one of which will not close. He also has a huge lump under one of them now. Hisears are all infested with mites. We're taking him to the vet tomarrow morning.

Two long days left.

listening to: "Mission Impossible Theme" don't make fun of me....

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