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July 15 2002
Just got done watching TNG. It was a really old episode that I've already seen. Our cable is really bad and our internet connection keeps going out to.

Anyways, Annie came over today. She's one of my "weezie friends", if you are one of those who knows what that means. ;-) It was cool. I was gonna go play Mario tennis with Ryan, but I decided against it. I drew instead.

I still can't sleep good at night. It takes me forever to fall asleep, and then I keep waking up. I have so many problems and they are constantly replaying in my head. I just wish they would go away. :-( My life is so boring, so you would imagine that my thoughts would be dull as well, but that is not the case.

I remain as hopeful as ever, how about you?

listening to: "friday" - sunny day real estate

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