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July 19 2002

Now I'm pissed, I just wrote this whole entry but I accidently quit internet explorer before I saved it.

Anyways.... Jeff and I (proper english of course) almost ODed on Star Trek last night. 2 episodes, one movie. More than I'm used too on a normal night. And tonight there will be more hopefully. Generations. Captain Kirk on a horse. Or something like that.

I tried one of my shakes this morning. Pretty gross, but as long as it works, I'll be okay. My mom got really pissed though. After I finished the stupid shake, she said "Now you have to eat something too". I politely pointed out the area on the can in which it said that this shake was the equivalent of a complete meal. She said that the can lied and I had to eat. What is the point of the damn shakes if I have to eat as well? Why would I even bother drinking the shake? Not like it tastes good. I don't want to quit eating completely, but I never eat in the morning. Anyways, try explaining this to my mom. Didn't turn out good.

I am wearing my contacts now. It took me forever to put the left one in. I kept dropping it and then I couldn't find it. But all is well now. As for taking them out... I kinda suck at that too.

Well, I am sick of typing for right now. bye

listening to: "This is not a love song" - Juliana Theory

understand this is a dream....

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