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July 22 2002
Wow. I wish that I could be home for the next couple of weeks. I know that the upcoming day will brin 12 more of the LONGEST days of my life. Even if I do end up enjoying myself, I think I would have even more fun if I were here in St. Johns. Or maybe if the camp was only 1 week long. Oh well. Complaining isn't gonna do much, I just have to discover a way for time to speed up. Or if I could go back in time...

Anyways, tomarrow I leave for Blue Lake, and I will be back on August 4th. I would appreciate it if everyone wroto to me. Not even everyone as long as someone does it. You can reach me here:

Elyse Gray
Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
Central Camp - Sleepy Hollow - Schubert
300 East Crystal Lake Road
Twin Lake, MI 49457 - 9592

Someone write to me! I'm gonna get so bored. Anyways.

Not much happened today. Marisa and Greg came over and we filmed part of a new movie (the concept was just formed today). Alex ended up cutting himself on one of the knives used in the film and was acting like a baby the whole time. It was just a little cut and he's like "Are you sure I shouldn't go to the emergency room? Don't you think I might need stitches?"

Well, I don't want to go tomarrow. I'll try and have fun. I'm attempting to take advantage of my final night with the computer, but I was dissapointed to see that Jeff didn't have a new journal entry for me to read before he left! :(
Don't worry, I'll get over it.

I'll see everyone in 12 days. I miss people already...

listened to while typing: "Summer Romance (Anti gravity love song)" - Incubus
"Why Bother?" - Weezer

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