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What Kids Say about the Environment

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AlysiaThis is a letter about the environment and how vehicles are polluting the earth by the gas that's in the cars to keep the cars moving. 

Cars go all over the place. Some travel all across the earth and while cars are moving the gas comes out the mufflers and it is polluting the earth.

For all the people that care about the earth and how long we have got to live, we want to keep living! So let's do something that will change all our lives and stop polluting the earth. Let's make an invention and let's go back to Nikola Tesla's turbine idea and change the gas in the vehicles and make fuel that won't pollute the earth!

Think about how healthy everybody would be and especially kids and adults with asthma.  The air and this planet would be filled with healthy, safe and clean air.

Age: 10
Croswell, Michigan


Hey kids! All vehicles are making pollution. Batteries are polluters. Gasoline pollutes, too.  You should put a turbine in your car that burns alcohol.


Age: 7
Munising, Michigan


Kids for a Secure Future

We want a Clean Environment to grow up in!