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Great Book Reports

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These are great books for you to read that will teach you about science, the environment, energy and how the future should be.

Tesla master of lightning

I like this book because it’s a breathtaking adventure into science and the past.

Wardenclyfe tower : Long, long ago a man named Nikola Tesla designed a tower called Wardenclyfe tower. It was to be used to send radio signals to UAV’s (UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE’S). UAV’S would be used so people would not be killed in war. But Nikola Tesla ran out of money. The Wardenclyfe tower had to be dynamited and scrapped. 

Of course this is not all. There is lot’s more to learn in this book so please send me an E-mail. (Send to the kid's club.)

age 7

by Nikola Tesla

This is a super good book because of the good tales! 

Here’s a story about Tesla’s father. I really like this book story. It’s a favorite! One night his father was called to an emergency meeting in a winter blizzard. He got on their horse which had fur like velvet. On the way he came across a pack of wolves. Frightened, the horse reared up throwing him violently to the ground. The horse later rescued Tesla’s father.

There are many more good stories in this book. Tesla made a coil (which was used to make electricity). It threw bolts of lightning far from the coil. He also built a huge radio tower. The tower was not finished.

This book will interest you! There are more inventions and stories in this good book. You will learn a lot so pick it up and venture into the world of science. Send your E-mail to the Kid’s Club.

Age 8


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