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Meeting Schedule
Amber Township Hall
on Amber Rd., south of U.S. 10
We welcome any property owner,
regardless if you are a member of the Association or not.
This also applies to board meetings. Following meetings are
scheduled so far...
February 10 - Hopefully everybody has
filled in and mailed the survey
February 17 - 7:00 pm - Board Meeting
April 12 - 4:00 pm - Spring Potluck
July 19 - 4:00 pm - Annual Meeting and Potluck

Some Facts
If we are not involved and supportive, our lake will become less and less of what we want it to be. As with any organization, success is determined by how many give support, get involved and make things happen.
Our Lake is a fragile resource: a living organism; it can be degraded from pollution, aquatic pests, over use, and shore line abuse.
Eurasian Watermilfoil (an aquatic pest) is seriously affecting the Lake, but is treatable. Of course, any treatment method we might use will cost money.
Recreational use of the Lake by non-property owners is growing significantly each year. Water safety is a real concern. We must obtain more help from the DNR and the Sheriff’s water patrol to maintain a healthy balance of lake use.
The general, unscientific, opinion of the fishing is that it is mediocre and becoming worse each year.
The limited funds available to the Association severely limit any desirable activities costing money. Enclosed is an accounting of our 2002 income and expenditures.
Pollution is a serious danger. Phosphates, fertilizers, septics, gas spillage, and other substances all add up. Hackert Lake does not have an inflow or outflow: what goes in tends to stay in.
In addition to the above items, perhaps you have other issues which are important to you.
In an attempt to understand your opinions, concerns, and issues, we ask you to use the
2003 survey to communicate with us. Please return it to: Hackert Lake Association, 1628 W. Chilberg Rd., Scottville, Mi. 49454.
Please return the survey by February 10;
we want to publish the results in the Newsletter shortly thereafter.
A final note to those who have chosen in the past not to support the Association, or perhaps you were involved at one time: Please reconsider. You have your reasons and they are no doubt valid. We sincerely hope that by us working with you and you giving us a (another) chance, we can make good things happen for the lake. As property owners, we sometimes disagree on a specific issue or have different priorities. However, we strongly believe all of us have over
riding common interests. Let’s work together to benefit our mutual desires.

Treasurer’s Statement for 2002
Carried over from 2001.....................$ 441.49
Dues from 50 paid members............$1,005.00
Expenditures for 2002
- Postcards
- Newsletter #1
- Minnows
- July Picnic
- Newsletter #2
- December postcards
- WSCC Lake Study
- Total
......................................... $1156.77
Carried over from 2002..................... $ 319.72

01.25.03 |