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By now every
property owner on Hackert Lake should have received the Survey mailed
out earlier this January. Hopefully you've sent it in; if not, please
fill it in and return in the envelope provided... or if you lost it or
did not receive it for some reason, just copy & paste this one into
a notepad or document and either email it to
or snail mail it to: Sandra Steckel, Treasurer, Hackert Lake
Association, 1628 Chilberg Road, Scottville, MI 49454 by
February 10 so we can compile the
survey and publish results in the Spring edition of the "Lakeside
Reflections" newsletter.

Hackert Lake Association Survey, January 2003
1. I (we) have owned Hackert Lake property for ______ years.
2. Our property is: vacant _____
3. name(optional)___________
cottage _____ address ___________________
home _____ tel. # __________________
E-mail ___________________
4. We occupy our property: year round _____
seasonally _____
5. We enjoy the lake for the: (rank from 1 to 7):
view _____ location _____
boating _____ skiing _____
swimming _____ fishing _____
jet skiing _____
6. Regarding the Lake Association, I am: supportive ______
a member ______
couldn’t care less ______
opposed ______
7. The biggest problems are: (rank from 1 to 8):
Weeds _____Power boats _____
Skiers _____Poor fishing _____
Noise _____Jet skis _____
Pollution _____Outsiders _____
8. The lake usage via the public access should be controlled by:
limiting the parking _____
a usage/parking fee _____
no controls _____
9. Are you in favor of pursuing Milfoil control? Yes _____
No _____
9a. If yes, rank from 1 to 3: chemical treatment ____
harvesting machine ____
distribution of the Milfoil control beetle _____
10. I think the $20 dues is: (check one) too little ______
just right ______
should be ______
11. I have checked out the web site: yes ____
no ____
11a. If yes, comments ___________________________________
12. I am an Association member: yes ____
no ____
12a. I am not a member because: ___________________________
12b. I would become a member if: _________________________
13. The Association should: _______________________________
14. General comments: __________________________________

01.25.03 |