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My Last Flight

As our bird taxied down to the end of the strip waiting for takeoff
not yet knowing none of us would ever make it back.
After takeoff flying on that autumn day through a blue sky
who would dare think we were part of a terrorist attack.

It was just another day, another flight, I have flown before
but in a few minutes it would all change , our lives and history forever.
This is something I hope no one has to go through again
not now , not ever

So many things happen, all too fast
still not imagining why or even think of what to do.
Faces stared out the plane's windows.
Faces of fear looking for hope , not the view.

Then that moment came in a flash
without meaning, without pain.
Something I now remember of that day
the Lord's angels calling all so many names.

As we stood on the steps leading up to heaven's gate
God with open arms looked down on us from his throne.
He spoke softly " I am here to guide you 
through eternity at your new home.''

All your tomorrows will be without me
but memories of me will always be in your heart.
So that whenever you have a thought of me 
never will we be very far apart.

Take care of yourself, please do that for me
You will need your strength to take care of the family.
Trust in the Lord for only he has the reason "Why "
Never loose faith in God and this great country.

These words are written just for you
So hopefully you may understand what I'm trying to say.
I may no longer be able to stand beside you
but this is where I belong now and here I am O K 

John Tetor
Copyright ©2001 John Tetor
Your comments welcome by the poet
Used with permission






