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This act of terrorism 
has woke up the heart and soul of all Americans.

As we get older we learn from our elders, their lives are our history 
to which we need to show honor and respect.
They have fought and died in wars, some not even ours
just to keep our freedoms here in America intact .

We live in a land with freedoms that no other country has
but after 9/11/01 some of our freedoms may have to cease.
Our trust in our faith and country is growing stronger each day
as we each join hands in unity our strength will only increase.

If all you can do is place a flag out front of your house , or the next
time you see a policeman or fireman, just waive , nod or say a thank you.
Or even light a candle, all these simple forms of gestures will light up
You're heart, your home , your neighborhood and America too.

One person holding one candle counts very little
because of the small light it gives when lit all alone.
But as we join together America , one by one to make
millions of candles , what a brilliant light will be shone.

This great nation was built on freedoms
which we still have today.
Some ask why has this happened to us ?
for those freedoms we sometime have to pay .

This nation is what our forefathers and their sons
fought and died for.
That is also what made their widows , their daughters
and their survivors cry for.

I honor all those who lost their lives on September 11 at the W.T.C. 
In the Pentagon and those in all four planes that crashed.
Time is now for all of us to join together , show our strength
fight for America to make our freedoms last.

God bless America
Together in unity we will survive.
our flag, Old Glory and the Bald Eagle
will be our symbols for what we strive.

John Tetor 
Copyright ©2001 John Tetor
used with permission



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