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Reach Your Hand Out

Listen to the raindrops as they fall against the pane
Listen as they touch the earth over and over again
Feel the silence in the air, reach your hand and touch it there
Smell the fragrance, sweet and near

Reach your hand out ......... feel the air
Each small drop is filled with feelings reaching to my heart
Every drop of rain ......... that falls here in the dark
Touching on my face, touching on my skin

Touching all the places that hurt within
I see your face, I see the light, I see the rainbow in the night
Peace and love that fills my heart and makes it light
Touch the raindrops, feel the pain, touch the feelings once again

Feelings deep .... let them sleep ..... wipe the tears
Feel the peace

©Sandra Prouse
and used with permission
Poetry By Sand

Sandra has her books of poetry available for sale on her website.
Please give her a visit.





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