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Skin that feels as soft as satin, warmth to touch and heal
Delicate fingers that trace so softly, almost isn't real
I hold your hand inside of mine and it feels so very small
But the strength I feel inside of you could climb a mountain tall

A woman's gentle beauty that casts a glow of pride
She knows when you feel empty, even when you hide
Her lips can soothe a wound or bring such ecstasy
Her hands can mend a broken wing and let it fly so free

The legs she holds a child upon can run so swift and sure
She'll hide her courage deep within and let it shine so pure
Her smile will bring you to your knees or soothe a baby's cry
She'll let her laughter echo when deep inside she cries

That narrow waist you hold so tight can nourish God's creation
Expand to hold a baby's form and offer you temptation
Her back can carry heavy loads and nurse a child to health
And offer you the softest love that you ever felt

Her scent is soft and sweet, her body meant to love
She gives it all so willingly with a faith from up above
She'll cry herself to sleep at night and wake to greet the day
I believe God made a miracle when He made woman this way

Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry please visit her site.









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