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Jesus Took You In His Arms 

I held your hand and watched as Jesus took you in His arms
I told you not to linger, the day had been so long
You were a gift from heaven the day that you were born
And now God wants you back ....... an angel to return

You left me in the evening, after the sun went down
You left me with memories as you reached for your crown
I pray you will forgive me for my selfishness and tears
I wanted to hold onto you when I felt Jesus near

I lacked the understanding in my misery and pain
To see the truth and rejoice at your gain 
He didn't let you suffer as He lifted you so high
You fluttered your wings and lifted to the sky

Our journey here is precious and short to say the least
Some are given many years and all they do is waste
Yours were short in numbers but filled with so much love
I know God needed a special angel in heaven up above

Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry please visit her site.







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