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If I could hold you in my arms and take the pain away
I'd hold you close and catch your tears and brighten up your day
If I could make a smile appear and give you joy inside
I'd hold you close and kiss your lips and listen to you sigh

If holding you would take the fear and give you peace inside
I'd give a token of my love, you'd see it in my eyes
My arms would wrap around you and hold you safe and warm
I'd hold you through the darkest night and long into the dawn

If love can heal a tortured soul and mend a wounded heart
Then I will give you all my love to bring you from the dark
My arms will keep you safe, when fear is at the door
My love will keep you warm inside, I'll give you more and more

If holding you will give you strength and help you win the fight
Then holding you I'll do forever ........ long into the night
If I could have a wish for you...I'd wish for happiness
Because without it we are lost in a foggy mist

Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of
Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry 
please visit her site.




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